The nice folks over at Wilderness Energy sent me the Electric Bike Conversion Kit to review. Yesterday, I received the packages and started going to town!

I unpacked the boxes and found all sorts of goodies!

I mounted the kit on my older Gary Fisher Tarpon.

The whole thing only took about 20 mins to put together. After that I rode it around my neighborhood for a total mileage of 6 miles.
I was blown away by this kit! I couldn’t believe how well it handled and accelerated. The manual stated that to save energy, I should pedal first to get it going. Even if I didn’t pedal first, this thing had enough torque to pull me and get going pretty fast.
I tested it up on a short hill and found that if I had the throttle on full, I still need to pedal to get me over. But it wasn’t like I was sweating bullets climbing the hill, I really didn’t have to do much work.
The first impression the Electric Bike Kit from Wilderness Energy left me, this is a high quality product! Stay tuned for our long term review. We’re going to try it out on a 20 mile commute as well as other scenarios such as hills, dirt bike paths, running errands, pulling a trailer full of groceries and etc.
In the mean time, check out Wilderness Bikes and the Electric Bike Kit.