Bike Trailer Videos 1
Bike Trailer Videos 2
Bike Trailer Videos 3
Bike Trailer Videos 4
This post is a continuation of Josh’s Video blog series. This week we will be looking at Bike Child Trailers including consumer demos, reviews and a Burley Crash Test video. Enjoy!
The first video is a quick demo of the Burley d’Lite, it shows how to put it together, attach the hitch arm with stroller kit and then fold the stroller kit up and attach it to the bike. Also shows good footage of the inside of the trailer, suspension, parking break and storage area.
This video is a great demo of the Chairot Sidecarrior. Our host goes into good detail in explaining how he attached the Sidecarrior to the bike and how it handles on the bike.
Lastly, we have a Burley crash test video. Being that it’s narrated in German you’ve got to use your imagination about what they are talking about, unless of course you speak German. It’s interesting to see the tests they put these trailer though before releasing them to the public.