Yesterday Stu, Robin, Robert and Ted got to flex their muscles and install the railing for the staircase up to our showroom.
To get everything lined up for installation, they had to carry the massive unit out the big garage door and then walk it back down the small door up the isle. Fortunately, we’re having some great weather here in Flagstaff during this spring break week, a rare thing.With the staircase in place, Robin is hard at work putting up all of our products on the displays. This was the last big task for Stu on the inside section and he will be now shifting his efforts to the outside tasks of the sign, extending the awning and building our customer bike rack with sculptural elements.Everything seems on pace for our Flagstaff Bike-To-Work week launch of our retail space. We’ve signed up as Co-Sponsors of this year’s event with Flagstaff Biking and our excited to be launching our showroom at the end of the week which I’m pretty sure will be May 21st. Our line-up of electric bikes is coming together nicely as well as our retail offering of bicycle parts and accessories outside of the range offered on Bike Trailer, Bag and Kid Shop.