We generally prefer the Ortlieb Ultimate 5 Classic and Plus handlebar bags in the medium sizes. The large just seems a little too large. But it seems that our customer has figured out the main reason why Ortlieb developed the slightly larger version of this bag.
I love to ride my bicycle. I also like my beer. I don’t drink and drive, and thank goodness my bike has enough horse-sense to get me home in case I have a beer or two while out and about.I have a large Ortlieb Handlebar bag. I am now beginning to believe that the German engineers whom designed this bag also like to ride and drink because a 6-Pack of bottled beer fits PERFECTLY in this bag, and still offers just enough room for my mini Abus U-lock on the side.Reverse engineering at its finest, or a fantastic coincidence? I don’t care, but a big Thank You is in order!!!Great beer from Great Divide, a great bag, and a great bike – Ride on!