We with the La Moda Bicycle Garage are pleased to announce that we are
holding our first public bicycle repair session on Saturday, April 1st at
502 W. Victor Ave., in Anaheim, from 3pm to 6pm*. A double repair stand, a
truing stand, and many tools will be available for use, free of charge.
There will be several volunteers available to supervise and assist where
necessary. We will also be selling bike parts and several bicycles. So if
you have a bike that needs fixing or are on the look out for a new (used)
one, come on out! If you cannot make it this Saturday, we will be open
every Saturday thereafter from 3pm-6pm.
We also wish to extend our thanks to those who have helped bring us to
this point. Many have helped with donations of bicycles and equipment,
garage sales, promotion, advice, and other assistance. Thank you very much.
Of course, we are still gratefully accepting donations and volunteers!
Your bicycles, tools, money, time, and ideas are essential to keeping this
project rolling. We are a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, so donations of materials
and money are tax deductible.
Thanks again, and look out for a future announcements of our progress!
*502 W. Victor Ave. is located at the corner of Victor Ave. and Harbor
Blvd., two blocks south on Harbor from the 91 freeway, on the right.