The Archives
Biking & Walking to School in Portland
Biking & Walking to School in Portland

Dissertating About Urban Cycling
An interesting little tidbit arrived in my inbox this week. It was an email from Lund University in Sweden about a study on mobility, planning, and cycling. The study, officially titled “Velomobility – A critical analysis of planning and space”, was conducted by PhD student Till Koglin at Lund University. It’s a comparative analysis of…
Stellar Rhonda Review!!
This Vaude bag review comes from our very valued customer Rhonda:Just received the Vaude Cycle 22 combo bag today and tried it out immediately. It’s terrific. Hope you will continue to carry this bag as it is really wonderful for commuting or just for those of us who don’t like to carry things on our…
Rob's Trike Build
Rob, a fabricator by trade, has a pretty sweet build he shared with us after buying a spring for the project: I help put on a fundraiser for a non-profit called Kammys Kause ( for more info). So along with making the event happen I make something to auction off. I was offered an old…

Squirrelly Vandal Drives Professor Nuts
In many of my previous posts on Commute By Bike, I have focused on feel-good stories, such as the tale of a man who found both renewed health and a missing dog while on his bicycle, as well as made entertaining (I hope) references to pop icons such as Kermit the Frog to explain painted…
Full Circle: Carbon Fiber Penny Farthing Concept Bike
Full Circle: Carbon Fiber Penny Farthing Concept Bike
JILL'S NEWSFLASH!! Ohio is good for biking!
According to Jill, a news director in Cleveland: Ohio is a surprisingly good area for biking. And I absolutely love my Ortlieb Back Roller Classic with BSH logo. These panniers are incredibly versatile and hold tons of gear (or $200 worth of groceries). I use them for commuting to work, for pleasure rides and even…

Smart & Social Bike Navigation System or The Hammerhead
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… It is a period of paper-based self-navigation. Cell phones are the size a spaghetti squash. GPS is a three-letter acronym (TLA) and not much more to the average human. Bicycles are inanimate objects that are neither smart nor social. Yes, it is 1993. Fast-forward twenty…

CycloMend: Have Wrench. Will Travel.
"I hate broken bikes." That was the straightforward way that CycloMend founder, Colin, began to explain why he started his Washington, DC-based company that pairs up mobile bike mechanics with cyclists in need. Benefiting both the owner of the busted bike as well as local mechanics looking for additional work (who are vetted by CycloMend…
Mark’s Revelate Equipped Ride
Mark Falanga Revelate‘d the crap outta his bike: I ordered a bunch of Revelate bags from you for a five-day San Juan Mountain Hut bike ride. The system that you put together for me was incredible and because of the system, my bike performed so well on all terrain, going up mountains, down mountains and…
Documentary: A Winter of Cyclists
Documentary: A Winter of Cyclists

Commute By Unicycle: Realistic or Ridiculous?
After a significant hiatus from Commute by Bike, I considered reintroducing myself to the wonderful world of bike blogging by composing a fluffy, friendly piece about the joys of traveling by bicycle, the amazing feeling of having fresh, crisp air flowing through your lungs as you take the clean, green way to work"¦ and then…

The Ultimate Foldmodular eCargo Thingamabike Experiment
I love clever designs of objects that fold up small — not just bikes. Before my first folding bike, I had a folding dinner table, a collapsible ladder chair, a folding book shelf, and other folding stuff. Closely related to my folding fetish is my modular fetish. The idea that one thing can be many…

A Moment of Silence
Today my “To Do” List included this item: write post for Commute by Bike. So this morning, I was brainstorming all kinds of fun ideas for topics to write about. And then I got back from a meeting and learned this. So really, there’s nothing else I feel like writing about right now, but I…
Bill's Endless Summer Wandertec Build
Beach season coming to an end? Nah, the season never ends for Bill & Wife! Thought you might like to see my Wandertec trailer in action. I built an aluminum box with perforated aluminum sheet floor. Super light and easy to pull onto the beach. We use it regularly. I built it for my wife…

The Electric Cargo Single-Speed Fatbike
Pedaling up to Mama Burger for lunch recently, I noticed a cargo bike parked outside, unlike any cargo bike I’ve seen. This was an electric, cargo, single-speed, fatbike. I went inside and scanned the tables — there aren’t many of them to scan — thinking I’d be able to guess the owner of this bike…
Cycling Keeps Jim in Shape!
BOB in tow: Out riding my bicycle yesterday 80 miles. Staying in shape for the finishing of my cross America bicycle trip which is restarting Sept 17 from Rapid City SD to Key West Florida. Over the last couple of weeks been debating whether to cycle across all of China or all of Canada next…
Treehouse Elevator by Bike
Treehouse Elevator by Bike

Cycling for Fun? What a Concept.
I’m always conflicted when people exclaim that bike commuting makes them “feel like a kid” again. If there’s a feeling of joy that people get when they bike to work, and if that feeling motivates people to keep doing it, I ought to be all for it. Right? But I don’t ever feel this feeling….
Sergeii's Piano E-Bike and Road to a Million
“My goal is to get Paul McCartney’s attention to endorse bicycle e-power to the music industry.” The contraption fueling this goal: Sergeii’s Bionx powered bicycling piano. Best of luck to our ambitious, innovative and bicycle advocating friend — We’re rooting for you!
Coincidence & the Rideye Black Box Camera
Oh hi there, Commute by Bike readers. As you are probably aware, the prolific and entertaining Ted has started a new job, justifiably gloated about his new bike commute, and stepped away from regular posting here at Commute by Bike. Not that anyone can take Ted’s place, nor do I intend to, but I’ll be…
**Waarschuwing!!** for Solar Panel Experimentation
Michael of Belgium’s warning for the cycling community: “Be careful with your bike trailer/solar panel experiments!” He speaks from experience:

DZR Minnas: Walking-Friendly, SPD-Compatible Bike Shoes
I like SPD clipless pedals, but I’ve always hated the look of the majority of the SPD-compatible shoes and the fact that most of the shoes aren’t really made for walking. Instead they just ENABLE you dismount and walk around without the pedal cleats clacking against the floor; setting up a racket like you’re auditioning…
More on Riding with Rail Tracks
More on Riding with Rail Tracks