The Archives

Bike commuters: You're not alone!

Paul in Fort Oglethorpe, GA left a comment here a few days ago: “Web-sites like this one goes a long way helping people like me feel just a little bit normal.” I hope you and others in your situation are helped and encouraged by Commute By Bike. I’m in a bike commute mecca now, but…

Let's see your Bike To Work Day photos

Summer the FAST cyclist Originally uploaded by richardmasoner. I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours. Leave a comment with a link to your bike to work day photos. More Bike To Work Day photos from Oakland, CA, Fresno, CA, the South Bay, Los Angeles, Portland, OR, Washington, D.C. and Seattle.

BOB Trailers 10% 6/1

This Week at Wandertec: 1. Recieved a truck load of BOB Trailers for the BOB Trailer Sale at the 2. Updated my PayPal Shopping Cart. 3. Finished off the listings for the Carry Freedom & Croozer Trailers. 4. Manned a booth at the Bike-to-Work Week kickoff here in Flagstaff. The BikeTrailerShop is jammed full…

Commuting 101: Bike To Work Day checklist

For those deciding at the last minute to bike to work on Bike To Work Day, here’s a handy dandy checklist of things to have and do. I recommend getting this stuff together the night before you ride. Check weather forecast. The bike: Tires inflated. Saddle adjusted. Brakes adjusted and operating. Gears adjusted. Chain lubricated….

BOB Trailer SALE!!!

It’s spring and BOB Trailers are on SALE. Get 10% off through 6/1/07 at the Here are some pictures Cass Gilbert took doing some spring cleanup with his BOB Yak.

Bay Area: 100,000 bike commuters expected

Cycling advocates expect 100,000 cycling commuters to visit the dozens of “Energizer Stations” in the 9 county San Francisco Bay Area on Bike To Work Day, Thursday, May 17. The spectrum of regular bicycle commuters spans from executives on near-weightless, space-age contraptions to restaurant workers on rusted rolling clunkers. In between are students, homeless wanderers,…

CBB Poll: Bike To Work Week

I normally see at least two or three other bikes on the way to work. So, we’ve reached the middle of Bike To Work Week and so far, on day 3, I’ve seen a grand total of 1 other cyclist. That is 1 all week! What about you? {democracy:2}

Grab Some Popcorn

I’ve been in the mood to see a bicycle related movie recently and since no theaters in my area are showing “The Flying Scotsman,” I’ve had to settle for the intense drama of “The Bike” found on the A/V Geeks site. While there, I decided to poke around the site for some other bike related…

Busting bike commute myths

Competitor magazine as a nice article online about busting five common bicycle commute myths. The roads are unsafe for cycling. I don’t have showers at work. I have to take my kids to school. It’s too cold/dark/wet. It takes too long. Unfortunately, the article promotes some other myths, somehow even transforming the infamous 85%-more-lives-saved-by-helmets myth…

Mendota: Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb

While hiking with a bunch of fifth-graders last week, my youngest son and I started reciting lines from one of my children’s favorite books. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this thing aloud over the years — but it sticks with you. Anyway, I was riding to work on the Mendota, thinking…

May 15: Gasoline boycott day

The annual ” Boycott Gasoline” emails are making the rounds again as the price of gas tops $3/gallon in much of the USA. The date for the 2007 boycott — May 15 — happens to fall right on Bike To Work Week! I think I’ll participate in the boycott! Oh wait, I already do boycott…

Commuting 101: Get a Helmet

Next week’s Bike to Work Week may have inspired you to check out our site; if so, thanks for stopping by and I would encourage you to peruse our Commuting 101 section. There is a lot of debate about whether or not you really need to wear a bike helmet; personal experience has shown myself…

Bicycle commute safety in tornado alley

I lived in central-south Illinois for eight years, commuting by bicycle for most of those years. For six of those years I commuted over 40 miles round trip mostly through flat corn and soybean fields, sharing county roads with combines and old Camaros. Thunderstorms can pop up with frightening speed in the U.S. Midwest, and…

Bike valet parking at JavaOne

My employer once again encourages event participants, partners, employees and vendors to “Go Green” and ride a bicycle or take public transportation to the JavaOne conference this week at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Sun has again partnered with the San Francisco Bike Coalition to offer a free “Bike Valet” services. The “Bike Valet”…

Xtra Carry Freedom

This Week at Wandertec: 1. Listed Carry Freedom Trailers at the 2. Listed Croozer Trailers at the 3. Stayed busy all week long. As things start to really pick up with the business, I no longer have the relative luxury to work on the parts of the business that are truly intriguing to…

Mendota Meets Mud

It has been raining for days in my area and the streets and the path I ride were wet and had several patches of thin, slick mud on them. I figured this would be a great opportunity to test the Mendota on wet pavement. According to their website, the Mendota is “fender-ready for utility,” but…

A Wild Ride

It is National Bike Month and here is another reason why I choose to ride my bike rather than drive: wildlife. I find it odd that after spending 3 days camping out with Boy Scouts and 3 days in the outdoors at Wildwood with ~70 fifth-graders, I had to get back on my bike and…

Media guide to helmet wear

takin helmet wearing to a whole nuther level Originally uploaded by faster panda kill kill. If you get interviewed on CNN about finding a big snake on your bike ride, be sure your helmet isn’t on backwards for the entire nation to see. The big bulbous part goes toward the rear of the head. If…

May is U.S. National Bike Month

Hey, kids, it’s that time of year again to dust off the bike, pump up the tires, and ride that bike. 2007 is the 51st anniversary of National Bike Month. I’ve already hung posters promoting Bike To Work Day around my office building and encouraged other bike commuters to do the same. If you need…

Commuting 101: How to stop the bike

This may seem like a silly topic, but one of the skills taught in the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) is the “Quick Stop.” Most of the time, simply squeezing the brake levers (on most bikes) will slow and stop you adequately. There are times, though, when you need to stop on a dime. Knowing…

The Mendota Arrives

A week ago I hit a branch on the trail and broke a spoke in my back wheel and bent two others. I was a bit bummed because I’d planned a Saturday ride on the trail with one of my sons. I took my bike to Bike America and was very happy when they told…

Exercise Your Creative Mind

The St. Louis Regional Bicycle Federation recently received a $50,000 federal grant to install between 200 and 300 more bicycle racks in St. Louis City and County in the next year. In an effort to get some cool designs, the federation has announced a bike rack design contest. Winner’s names will be placed on all…

Extrawheel is Here

This week at Wandertec, Inc.: 1.Listed the Extrawheel at the (1 sold the first day). 2.Worked out a deal to bring in a large stock of BOB Trailers. 3.Ordered Carry Freedom and Croozer trailers. It was a fairly uneventful week of waiting for the weather to change back to spring. I stayed busy shipping…

Living with Xtracycle

Living With XtracyclePhoto by faster panda kill kill

The Xtracycle is something that you have to spend some time with. When you first start riding around town with it on your bike, it can sometimes seem like the thing is a bit of a nuisance, that it is in the way of your fast-paced-cool-biker-life. It seems as if you are always riding around with the extra weight of the Xtracycle on your bike but you never have anything to put in it.