The Archives
Commuter Bikes at
The folks behind the green blog are usually on about norwegian prefab housing and expensive bamboo furniture, but every now and then, they remember the lowly bicycle, and the potential it has to change the way we interact with our environment, on levels personal, national, and global. Today, they posted a tidbit about comfortable…
Contest Time! Win a Slime Digital Presta Gauge
This thing is super cool. I reads pressure in PSI, BAR, and KPA. Light weight, only 40 grams Auto Shut Off Ergonomic Rubberized Grip Low to High Pressure 0-150 PSI To win it, all you have to do is send me a flat tire fix tip (photos are encouraged). The best one will win. It’s…
Ibex Has New Models Arriving
Just in time for the Holiday Season! Check out all the bikes Ibex has to offer! Buy Direct from the Manufacturer and SAVE! IBEX MRSP’s (published on detail pages for each model) are an accurate reflection of what our bikes would sell for in your local LBS (local bike shop) if we sold through…
Happy 36th Birthday Moe!
Yup, it’s that time of year again where our very own Moe is celebrating his birthday! Woohoo! So where’s the party Moe?
Not a track bike
When is a track bike, not a track bike? Let’s begin with the definition of a track bike according to Wikipedia: A track bicycle is a type of fixed-gear bicycle specially designed for track cycling in a velodrome. Unlike road bicycles, used for road cycling, they lack multiple gears and brakes, having a single fixed…
How to Dress for Cold Weather
Note: An updated version of this article is available here. Every now and then I flip through a copy of Bicycling Magazine. Usually, there’s nothing in it for me. Lots of expensive toys, lots of talk about Lance and Floyd, and maybe some amateur-level maintenance tips, though I don’t know how many times you can…
Yesterday, coming out of a Doctors appointment I received a call from my wife Soraya. She got a flat on the front right tire of her van. It wasn’t that big of a deal at all because I was within a few minutes drive away from where she was. On the way over, I gave…
Two Wheeled Therapy
When ever I work on bikes, I get in this theraputic zone where I am in a happy state. I love that euphoric feeling. Its the same buzz you get when you’re flying down the street or trail on your bike…It just feels good. Who needs therapy when you have bikes…
October highlights
Hope everyone had a fun and safe halloween. Here are the October highlights: -The most popular post was the video featuring the comparison of a brakeless fixed gear bike and a bike with a coaster brake. “Finger” commented on his dislike for the video and calling ‘Cool Fixie Riders’ a-holes. Ouch. -And speaking of ‘fixies’,…
Fossil Fool and a Ridin' Fool
I decided to attach the Fossil Fool Down Low Glow to my mountain bike, a Giant Warp. I had to Mickey Mouse a few zip ties to make it work since the frame has wider diameter tubes. This is me with my costume and my bike. I’m a pimp’d out monk!
The Best Biking Costume…
No one can out do Biker Fox!
Happy Halloween
Does anyone have an interesting Cyclist costume? If so e-mail your pictures HERE and I’ll post it on CBB. Have fun trick or treating tonight. But please be safe.
Light up!
With Daylight savings time having ended on Sunday, that leaves a lot of commuters riding in the dark. There’s a misconception that reflectors, which are mandatory in most states, are enough for us to be seen. I usually turn to, one of the most complete websites about bikes and cycling for information. He has…
Here's our Winner, Scott Kennedy!
You guys probably remember that we had a contest for the “Gas Sucks, Ride a Bike” T-shirt. Meet Scott Kennedy from the Peach State, Georgia. He’s showing off brand spankin’ new shirt along with his brand spankin’ new Redline Monocog. Don’t start getting jealous, we didn’t give him a new bike! Scott bought that on…
Around The World By Bike
Must be great to have the time and money to do this stuff.
Time Sport International Bicycle Pedals Recalled
Bicycle Pedals Recalled by Time Sport International Due to Fall Hazard WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: Time RXS Titan Carbon, RXS…
Get Felt Up..October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
During the month of October, we proudly celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness in honor of the millions of courageous women who have fought against this disease, and in memory of those who lost the battle but will never be forgotten. This year in America, more than 211,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300…
Someone doesn't like Fixies
Yes Nick and Moe, I said “Fixies!” Ok back to the subject. We had a person named “finger” make a comment on a recent posting about fixies and coaster brakes. Here’s what “finger” had to say… patently absurd. “I feel like I have a lot more control on a fixie” uh huh. you just keep…
Two years ago I was searching for a ‘commuter’ specific bicycle. I was lucky to find the Kona Smoke in a shop close to my house. I also got it for a decent deal, $300 bucks out the door. With gas prices being so high, recreational cyclists are turning to commuting by bike. The 2007…
Fixed Gear Braking Compared To a Coaster Brake
Dang man, I still can’t do that….
Weird Bikes
I think its great how people’s imagination goes wild when it comes to tweaking their bikes. This is cool. But PINK? Barf bag not included! You gotta have legs of steel to pedal this bad boy.
Jumping With The Montague Paratrooper
Montague Corporation states that their Paratrooper can be air dropped and be ready for action. As a Paratrooper myself, I was more than happy to put it to the test. A few days ago, my Unit conducted an Airborne Operation. It was the perfect opportunity to jump the Paratrooper. But before the jump was to…
Primal Wear Rocks!!
I’ve been a Metal head since High School (Class of ’88). Primal Wear came out with cool AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden and other hard rock bands last year. Me, Wearing my Judas Priest jersey. Primal wear keeps adding more designs and more bands to their ‘Rock Jerseys Line‘, way cool if you are a…
Bicycle Tattoo
Each tattoo means something different to every person. But how much of a bike geek do you have to be to get a bicycle tattoo?