The Archives

Genuine Innovations Second Wind MTB Review

Disclaimer: As a product reviewer for Commute By Bike, I am providing my unbiased opinion of any products provided to us by any company. I do not posses any type of relationship with the product’s company or parent companies. Companies that send in their goods to be reviewed do not compensate me in any way….

RedLine 925

.   Our new friends at RedLine Bicycles sent us this yummy looking bike called the 925. .  As Dolly Parton would say… “Workin’ 9 to 5, What a way to make a livin’ Barely gettin’ by It’s all takin’ and no givin’” The 925 looks like it could be a grea.  bike to take to work from…

Heat Advisory for Susquehanna River Valley

My morning commute wasn’t too fun. It was already warm at 8:30 this morning and the humidity wasn’t helping at all. During my lunch break I decided to ride back home. It was unbearable! I had all intentions on riding back to work until I stepped out of my air-conditioned house. It felt like I…

Bare Knuckles

Just a reminder to everyone – cycling gloves aren’t just for padding and shock absorption, especially if you ride in a city. A patch of cobblestone on my ride home Friday night swerved me into a plywood construction wall on the edge of the sidewalk, taking the skin off of three knuckles on my left…

Eri Ramos, Welcome Aboard!

Please help me introduce the newest member of Commute By Bike, Eri Ramos. Mr. Ramos is an Army of One. He is a Sgt. in the United States Army with Randy Policar. Eri has been commuting with Randy for abou.  a year and has grown to love the bike and the freedom it brings. Eri’s job…

A Day in San Diego

Priscilla and I took the kids to Sea World today to have fun with Shamu and all his delicious friends. I saw this one guy in a line in front of me with the nastiest ear hair I’ve ever seen! Priscilla took a picture of me with the bald headed.  hairy eared guy behind me… We…

Construction on PCH

Pacific Coast Highway is a famous roadway that runs along the California Coast. There has been construction along a section in South Orange County that has proved deadly for cyclists and pedestrians. As I walked inside my local burger joint, the news were on a story of a cyclist that was killed by a drunk…

Landis Juicing it up?

Man, what a blow to the American cycling community…I’m sure you all know by now that Landis was accused of juicing because he had too much testosterone in his body. Did it ever occur to anyone maybe since the fella is an American he naturally has bigger balls than the French or Italian riders?

Family Ride

Earlier this evening my wife Soraya and I decided to take the kids out for a ride on our bikes. It’s been a while since we rode together so I was really looking forward to it. What better way to have a cheap and fun night out with the family than riding your bikes? I…

Commute By TRIKKE Review

Disclaimer: As a product reviewer for Commute By Bike, I am providing my unbiased opinion of any products provided to us by any company. I do not posses any type of relationship with the product's company or parent companies. Companies that send in their goods to be reviewed do not compensate me in any way….

Doing some work

CommuteByBike will be going through a bunch of upgrades throughout the day and perhaps into the night. Please be patient as we make these changes. Just go ride your bike….

Stony Creek Trail

This past weekend, my buddy Eri and I went back to Stony Creek Trail. It’s not the toughest trail out there but definitely one of the most scenic rides I’ve been through. Take any of the fire breaks which runs throughout the trail and find a surprise. On this trip, we found the perfect fishing…

Dang man…freakin' Gas Prices

I drive and I ride my bike. I do spend more time in the car just because of life and when I am in the car, I hate the fact that I have to pay LOL up the @$$ for gas. Oh and another thing, I hate traffic! This heat isn’t making things any better….

Where'd Everyone Go?

As Summer kicks in to high gear I started noticing less activity on CBB. I began to wonder if it was something I said or perhaps my deoderant wasn’t working. But I quickly remembered that Summer means time for vacations. I’m curious to know how many people incorporate bicycles into their vacation? Do you go…

Tifosi Pave Sunglasses Review

Disclaimer: As a product reviewer for the Crooked Cog Network, I am providing my unbiased opinion of any products provided to us by any company. I do not posses any type of relationship with the product’s company or parent companies. I am not compensated in any way by companies that send in their goods to…


For those of you that are dirt lovers, check out this little clip from the DVD ROAM. Man that’s some crazy ass stuff they’re doing! The cinematography is awesome!

High US pump prices fueling moped, bicycle sales

NEW YORK – Reuters American motorists fed up with soaring pump prices are getting more curious about two-wheel transportation. With gasoline above $3 a gallon in many parts of the country, fears of continued energy spikes are fueling sales of motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles, leading bike associations said. “What we’re seeing now with $3.50 a…

100 MPG Vehicles

So there I was reading up on the current events on and I noticed an article about Toyota developing hybrids to have 100mpg. At first I thought it was cool, then again people could just ride their bikes more and they’ll end up saving more money than having to spend up to $25k for…