The Archives
The Economics of a Cycling Event in Tucson
The Economics of a Cycling Event in Tucson
Jean-Paul's "Incroyable" BionX
Bonjour, je suis Mr. Jean Paul je viens de pass une commande pices BionX, je suis trs contant de votre site BikeTech Shop, rapide paiement avec PayPal, de France au tat Unie, merci. Cordialement, Mr. Jean Paul. Bonne ftes toute l’quipe Google translate: Jean-Paul is very happy with his BionxX purchase from Bike Tech Shop….
Bicycle Sounds
Bicycle Sounds

No Regrets: Good, Cheap, Bike Commuting Accessories
I used to buy really low-quality bike accessories for myself. I’d walk into a bike shop and I’d be that tragic combination of ignorance and sticker shock. So I would buy crap. The tragedy is that back then I had more spending power than I do now — what with a mortgage and all that…

Alex Moulton's answer to, "Don't those small wheels slow you down?"
When I heard that Alex Moulton had died, the first person I thought of was Al Capello, owner of Portapedal Bike, in Tempe, Ariz. When I visited Portapedal earlier this year, Al revealed himself to be an aficionado (a.k.a. fanboy), and he gave me test rides on the most expensive bikes I’ve ever ridden. He…
Things You Can Do With A Bike
Things You Can Do With A Bike

Yet Another Holiday Gift Guide for Bike Commuters – 2012
I know, I already did a 2012 Holiday Gift Guide. Why do another one? Because I forgot some things, that’s why. Also because some readers made some good suggestions after reading the first one. And also because a few products we’ve reviewed in the past year deserve another look. Bike Saviours Getting Butts on…

PBS's 'Pedal America' Needs Another Season (at Least)
A week or so ago I spoke with Ira David, the host of Pedal America, “the only national television show in the United States that educates and inspires viewers to re-discover the travel, environmental, and health benefits of recreational bicycling.” This show was launched with a big splash at the National Bike Summit earlier this…

Cycling and Kindness
Todd O’Reilly and his 13-year-old son Daegan are making a documentary about the power of kindness as they ride Adventure Cycling Association's Underground Railroad Bicycle Route from Mobile, Alabama to Toronto, Canada. They are asking for two kinds of pledges. First, is that people pledge to be more kind in a very specific way determined…

Holiday Gift Guide for Bike Commuters – 2012
You’re a bike commuter, or you know someone who is — maybe you know many many people who are. (If you don’t personally know any bike commuters I’ll be happy to introduce you to some.) We’re not so difficult to shop for, but I’ve made it even easier for you. And when your gift recipient…
'Tis the Season: Moving a Christmas Tree by Bike
‘Tis the Season: Moving a Christmas Tree by Bike

The Secret Power of Red Cycling Pants from Betabrand (Review)
On any given day Kate Watters would rather be biking than stuck in her car in traffic. She and her husband collected several vintage one-speed bicycles on their honeymoon road trip from Flagstaff to Vermont, riding around small towns along the way. She writes about her field adventures, creative episodes, and the wonder of the…

NBC's Report on Road Rage Toward Cyclists — With 50% Fewer Clichés
Recently NBC News ran this report on cyclists using bike- or helmet-mounted cameras, such as GoPro to document motorists bad behavior and/or aggression towards cyclists. And it’s… not bad — for a television news piece on cyclists and motorists. It doesn’t blame the victims — the cyclists. It doesn’t paint all cyclists with a broad…
Cyclist Cyber Monday is Here
This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox, subscribe here. For the cyclist — and the future cyclists in your life, we have a whole mess of Cyber Monday specials. Want something in a smallish box that you can fit under a tree? How about this: Garmin…

'Why is that bicyclist in my lane?' (Friday Roundup)
For those of you who don’t follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook, Google Plus, etc.: Are you working or something? This is a roundup of some of the things we saw fit to share with our less productive readers over the last seven days:
Combining Transit & Cycling in Vancouver
Metro Vancouver

Franken-Fixie: A Hipster Bike with a Clean Republic E-Bike Kit
This is a guest post from Pete Prebus. Pete runs Electric Bike Report and is enthusiastic about spreading the word about electric bikes because they have great potential to get more people on bikes and out of their cars. Yes, I know, an electric motor on a fixie bike is a little sacrilegious, but it…
Randall's Extrawheel Ad-Bird
“List Free, Shop Smart, Save Gas!” This is the motto of Randall’s bicycle-powered advertising business. He used an Extrawheel Voyager to prop his “Ad-Bird” and he can still haul cargo in his 6 Ortlieb panniers as he advertises. Way to multi-task. Also check out Extrawheel’s other trailer, the Advert — an alternate design for promoting…

I swear to inspire one more woman to ride a bike (Friday Roundup)
For those of you who don’t follow us on Twitter, or like us on Facebook, Google Plus, etc.: Are you working or something? This is a roundup of some of the things we saw fit to share with our less productive readers over the last seven days:
World Bicycle Relief: The Solution
World Bicycle Relief: The Solution

Post-Sandy Bike Commuting Tips for New Yorkers
Hey, New Yorkers! Are you still figuring out your post-Sandy bike commute? I’m 2069 miles away, but I haven’t forgotten you. I’m happy to pass along these tips from Bike New York: Be careful of any obstructions in the road. Downed tree limbs and wet leaves are particularly dangerous. Some flooding may have opened up…

Critical Cycles’ Factory-Direct Fixie
This is a guest post from Pete Prebus. Pete runs Electric Bike Report and is enthusiastic about spreading the word about electric bikes because they have great potential to get more people on bikes and out of their cars. Critical Cycles is a new kind of fixie company. They state on their website that: What…
John, his Burley Nomad, and the C&O Trail Autumn Leaves
Just last month, John took his Burley Nomad Cargo Trailer on the C&O Trail from D.C. to Maryland. The Nomad proved to be a safe fashion choice amongst the changing of the leaves from last season’s green to this season’s yellow. Although I’m sure John had a greater appreciation for the Nomad’s heavy-duty carrying capacity…

Kid Rock and Sean Penn's Cum-Bike-Ya
Wanna feel warm and fuzzy one week after the US election? How about two rich entertainers hurling partisan epithets at each other? The language is not safe for work, plus it’s nearly 11 minutes long, so save this until you get home. Spoiler Alert!!