The Archives

Choosing the Right Wrench
BluesCat is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who originally returned to bicycling in 2002 in order to help his son get the Boy Scout Cycling merit badge. His bikes sat idle until the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked at over $4.00 per gallon. Since then, he has become active cycling, day-touring, commuting by…

Are We Overselling National Bike to Work Week?
And so it begins… National Bike to Work Week 2012 is officially underway. If you are a newcomer to Commute by Bike, then welcome. Did you find all the information you needed? For God’s sake, I hope so. That’s what we’re about. Last week I received a message from the California Bicycle Coalition which began…
Fabian's BOB Trailer, Motorized Bicycle Adventure
Fabian has previously submitted photos of his bike cargo trailer, his train of bike trailers and a video as well all hooked up to his gas-motor/hybrid. Fabian took to the mountains with his bike and a BOB Ibex for a great adventure. The story regarding these photos is best told by viewing the web link:…
Kids on Bikes Flashmob
Kids on Bikes Flashmob
Cass Gilbert's Extrawheel Roundup
Our pal and world bike wanderer and writer Cass Gilbert borrowed an Extrawheel Voyager from us for a bit. If anyone knows touring gear, it is Cass. Check his great photography and writing about his adventures and favorite gear at his blog While Out Riding. So without further ado here is Cass… Extrawheel Voyager A…
Bicycle Muse
Bicycle Muse

Banjo Brothers Saddlebag Panniers: Cram Away!
Vanessa Marie Robinson is a NYC-based industrial designer who's blog For The Love Of Bikes covers her multifaceted interests in all things cycling. Having started commuting year-round by bike in Montreal, Canada 13 years ago, she currently enjoys here 22-mile, rain-or shine-commute along the Hudson River. Whether you commute by bike or just ride a…
El Coche Nos Cuesta
El Coche Nos Cuesta
Pierre's Fat Tire BOB Trailer
We talk quite a bit about the both the Extrawheel and BOB Trailer , and often compare the virtues of these two great single wheeled bike trailers. We recently got these photos from Pierre, who has taken the spirit of the BOB single wheel trailer and modified it for Fat Biking. I really can’t…

Four Things About Cycling that aren't 'Just Like Riding a Bike'
Bike to Work Week is when we regular bike commuters hope to inspire new people to join our ranks. I hesitate to say “our ranks” because I don’t feel as though I’m in a rank. Do you want to join a rank? I doubt it. I prefer to think of all of us as users…

Banjo Brothers Metro Backpack: A Place for My Stapler
I have had a lot of backpacks in my life. Big ones. Small ones. Barbie-themed ones. Outdoorsy ones. Good ones. Bad ones. A backpack is my preferred bag for traveling away from home, as well as back and forth to school, work, and all kinds of other activities. I mean, why use a bag with…
Lisa's Bike Trailer Train
The trailer-cycle/bike-child-trailer train, is a rare creature that reveals itself in parks with bike paths and suburbs with low traffic. This fun but awkward setup is scared of traffic, steep turns and rough roads. Though always lingering on the endangered species list, they tend to crop up when the kids are just the right age…
Bikes at Antwerp Train Station
Bikes at Antwerp Train Station

The Many Reasons We Ride: It's not just National Bike Month
Hey! It’s National Bike Month, when we “celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons we ride.” It’s also been a year since Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by US Navy Seals. If not for his messiah complex, bin Laden would have been just another, high-rolling, porn-watching, hypocritical son of…
Tips for Riding a Front Loader Cargo Bike
Tips for Riding a Front Loader Cargo Bike
Andrew's Wood Frame Cargo Trailer
A DIY solution to the bike trailer. Simple materials and a solid design make for a nice looking cargo hauler.

May is Bike Month: It's easy once it's easy
“Wanna have a beer?” At 7:44 PM, on Friday night, when it looked as though I would spend the evening excavating my garage, that text message popped into my phone from my friend Chuck Cheesman. Later that same minute, I replied that I indeed would like to have a beer. And during that minute before…
The Convert
The Convert

Cleverhood Rain Cape: Patience… It'll rain eventually
Karen Voyer-Caravona is an admitted bicycle dilettante in Flagstaff, Arizona, who blogs about her adventures on two wheels, vélo envy, her husband’s cooking, and cross country skiing at Visit her Website for her endless opinions on the most stylish shoes for pedaling, critiques of bike parking, and the best bike date dining destinations. According…
London's Big Ride
London’s Big Ride

'Park To Pedal': Drive, park, then bike. (Yeah. That'll work.)
Commute by Bike has been HuffPo’d! Welcome, readers of The Huffington Post. We hope you enjoyed the article, “Bike To Work: Commute With ‘Park To Pedal’ Instead Of Driving All The Way” with it’s link to Tim Grahl’s article over here, “A Guide to a Simple Bike Commute.” And thank you for continuing to explore…

Portland did what? Pinch me. Am I dreaming?
Tom Bowden is a bike commuter from Richmond VA, a "suit" – a corporate lawyer with an MBA, and a conservative "“ You betcha! He is also a board member of Bike Virginia, a pro cycling and pedestrian group in Virginia that raises money to promote cycling, walking and active lifestyles. Tom’s lawyerly blogging can…
Greg's Xtracycle Dog Rig
Greg, sent in this clever setup for using his Xtracycle to commute with this his dog. A good use of the WideLoaders. The customer innovation never stops! Keep on sending in those photos…
Humorous PSA's
Humorous PSA’s