The Archives

Safe Yakking with the UCLEAR HBC 130 Bike Helmet Communicator
A few months ago, when the people were screaming a little louder than usual about distracted driving and even distracted cycling, I received an offer from UCLEAR to review their HBC 130 Bike Helmet Communicator. Unfortunate timing. But I took it on because I know that some Commute by Bike readers have longer commutes than…

The HubBub Helmet Mirror: Get used to it
The main reason I wear a helmet is because I really like having a rear-view mirror. I’ve used several mirrors over the years, and I definitely prefer the kind that mount in the vicinity of my left eye over models that mount on the handlebars. I’ve been using a HubBub Helmet Mirror for about three…

Cycle Anti-Chic: The Bike Helmet as an Accessory Platform
To paraphrase Jesus: The tasteless you will always have with you, but you will not always have Mikael. I wear a helmet almost every time I bike. I also enjoy provoking the anti-helmet trolls. These are people who believe that bike helmets promote and perpetuate an exaggerated perception of the dangers of cycling, which only…

Self-Inflicted Pain at the Pump
I had a 170-mile commute by car this morning — from the southern ‘burbs of Phoenix all the way to Flagstaff, Arizona. I was about 35 miles along when I realized I needed to fill up the car with gas. And while filling up I also realized that I probably haven’t personally purchased gasoline in…
Green Transportation at Google
Green Transportation at Google

No Confirmed Cycling Arrivals to The Oscars
I’ll be heading down to Phoenix to worship at the alter of Celebrity. The alter is my mother’s big-screen television. The temple is her living room. The occasion is the Academy Awards ceremony. And, like most or all of the guests, presenters, and nominees who will arrive at the event on Los Angeles in person,…

LA Bike Lanes Muddle Matters for Movie Moguls
Tom Bowden is a bike commuter from Richmond VA, a "suit" – a corporate lawyer with an MBA, and a conservative "“ You betcha! He is also a board member of BikeWalk Virginia, a pro cycling and pedestrian group in Virginia that raises money to promote cycling, walking and active lifestyles. Tom’s lawyerly blogging can…
Mike's Full Featured BOB Ibex
There are quite a few ways to outfit a BOB Trailer. Mike took it to an extreme by decking his BOB Ibex out with a Wandertec SAX Liner, a Greenspeed Rack and Delta Water Bottlecages. The real topper is the wooden fender that makes this one of the coolest looking BOB setups I’ve seen. If…

Hey Oscar, What was Rosebud? (Hint: Not a Sled)
Dallas Adams is the founder of Citizen Chain Cyclery, a bicycle shop located in the North Beach section of San Francisco, California. Born and raised in the Silicon Valley, his past experiences include work with the YMCA, U.S. Department of Labor and Defense, Lockheed Martin, Arrow Electronics and the American Red Cross as a disaster…

Calling The Loser Alpha Male… Zach Galifianakis: Bike to the Oscars
In my quest to get an Academy Awards nominee, presenter, or guest to bike to the Oscars, I was pointed in the direction of Zach Galifianakis. He’s the guy who just might do it, I was told. So what do we know about this Galifianakis guy, other than he’s a cyclist and he invented a…

The Mounty: A Rubber Smart Phone Mount That Makes You Flexible
I get a lot of e-mail from people who make or sell smartphone mounts for bikes. They’d like to have their mounts reviewed. The first problem is, I don’t have a smartphone. I don’t want one. I’m insufferable enough without the ability to fact check any conversation, or to find that video of the man…

Fyxation Session 700 Tires vs. A Mild NYC Winter
Vanessa Marie Robinson is a Brooklyn-based industrial designer who’s blog For The Love Of Bikes covers her multifaceted interests in all things cycling. She is typically found either riding in the city on a single-speed or training upstate on her road bike — year-round! Last November I began bracing myself for some harsh winter weather…

Getting the 'Sexiest Man Alive' to Bike to the Oscars
Like many people, my dear mother loves celebrities. She loves reading about them, looking at them, talking about them, reading about other people talking about looking at them. Ask her to name the mayor of her city, I’m not sure if she could (and not because Tibshraeny is hard to pronounce). Ask her who the…
718 Cyclery
718 Cyclery

The Best Cycling Photos. Ever.
That’s a bold statement. However, I feel confident asserting that we’ve collected some very lovely cycling photos, and many of them will be featured in the 2012-2013 Revolution Cycles calendar. Fans of Revolution Cycles, a bicycle retailer in the Washington, DC metro area, submitted more than one hundred photos from all over the world, and…

Three (Not So) Baffling Things About Women's Cycling Clothing
While Im not quite sure why Ted, my fearless editor, is researching the 7Most Baffling Things About Womens Clothes, his suggested reading did inspire me to consider the benefits and shortcomings of womens cycling clothing. Fortunately, I dont have quite as much to gripe about as the author of the piece that sparked this reflection…

'Social Engineer' Your Kids (with Chariot Child Carriers)
This is supposed to be about bike trailers of a particular brand, that carry children, and happen to be on sale right now from my employer. I wasn’t sure how to approach this article until a few minutes ago when I saw a friend of mine post this on Facebook: This is an actual friend…
Human-Traffic Infographic
Human-Traffic Infographic

Bike-Friendly Restaurant: Baja Loco (Phoenix, AZ)
BluesCat is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who originally returned to bicycling in 2002 in order to help his son get the Boy Scout Cycling merit badge. His bikes sat idle until the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked at over $4.00 per gallon. Since then, he has become active cycling, day-touring, commuting by…
Green Lane Project
Green Lane Project
Recollections of a Ladder Pull Behind a Trike
What is your bike trailer story? How have you moved and been moved by your use of a bike trailer? Send in your photos and stories about your bike trailer or other bike accessory related photos and stories to share and be seen here. The Ladder Pull in Bill’s Words: I have been riding my…
Special Request Fulfilled: Dinosaur with Machine Gun
A recent customer asked for a drawing of a dinosaur with a machine gun with is Burley Flatbed Bike Cargo Trailer.We were happy to comply.During the checkout process, use the Instructions field for your requests.

Laser Lite Lane: A Bike Lane Wherever You Ride
Karen Voyer-Caravona is an admitted bicycle dilettante in Flagstaff, Arizona, who blogs about her adventures on two wheels, vélo envy, her husband’s cooking, and cross country skiing at Visit her Website for her endless opinions on the most stylish shoes for pedaling, critiques of bike parking, and the best bike date dining destinations. I've…

'The worst piece of transportation legislation I've seen'
Last week was not a great week for bike advocacy here in the United States. The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure released a bill that was far worse for biking and walking than anyone had expected. Representatives Petri (R-WI) and Johnson (R-IL) proposed an amendment that would have restored funding for biking and walking…