The Archives

No Shower, No Problem
Think back to when you were a kid. Did you enjoy getting stuck in a car more than the riding your bike through the neighborhood? Then why do we default to cars as adults? Maybe we shouldn’t and a lot of us are taking that to heart and commuting by bike to work. There are…

Playing Jedi Mind Tricks in Traffic
Hey, I think I passed you on my way home last week, my trumpet master told me, You were riding up the bridge on the bike with all the lights on it, right? Boy, you’re trusting! I’d never ride in the city like that. Trusting? Ive been called many things on my bike, but never…

Interested in Blogging about Bikepacking or Commuting by Bike? We're Hiring!
Are you a bikepacking aficionado with a penchant for hair raising story telling? Are you a dedicated bicycle commuter who wants to inspire others to bike to work? If you fit either of these bills, keep reading because we’re looking for two new writers to join the blogging team. Around the start of this…

Biking to School: One pedal stroke at a time!
Fall is here! School has begun!!! The weather is cooling off and the mosquitoes are beginning to die off…and finally we can go outside again anytime of the day! But many of us are busier than ever too. Busy with chores, work, life and ready for the election to be over for some sanity. Some…

Why I haven’t been riding my bike
This will be my last post in this forum, at least for a while. I’ve come to realize that caring for an infant full-time doesn’t leave a lot of extra wiggle room in my day to do much of anything else. The part-time work I’m doing these days from home is squeezed into the often-unpredictable…

The Practical Cargo Bike, or, are Cargo Bikes just the New Black?
Are cargo bikes practical? asked a denizen of recently (a more polite version of Reddit). An interesting question, I thought, but whats a cargo bike, and whos to say whats practical? If cargo is defined as anything in excess of the human engine, then any bike that can carry a water bottle is a…

Physical Literacy and Children: Making your kids smarter and happier!
As school begins and we all are thinking about the skills our kids need as the approach adulthood I wanted to take time out of the ‘biking only’ blog. For this blog, I wanted to focus on one aspect of helping your children’s brain development and future that we don’t always focus on. This skill…

Bikes at War Part Two: The Great War
Adolf Hitler was a bike messenger? Yes, indeed. And a decorated one, at that. But more on that later. If the Great War had been fought in accordance with the fantasies of armchair generals, then the bicyclist would have replaced the doughboy as the symbol of gallantry and heroism.

Thoughts on the passing of an icon
A couple Fridays ago, I got a call from a friend in the middle of the day. I thought the timing odd given his busy work schedule, but because I was participating in a webinar, I let the call go to voice mail and sent him a text message asking what was up. The words…

An Ode to Laborers on Two Wheels
Let us now praise Sweaty Men and Women; All hail the Bicycle Courier, Who is fast on feet and two wheels, Bringing us coffee and sandwiches and beer. Three cheers for the bike messengers of the world, the “cyclo-laborers.” While we cower in climate-controlled cubicles, they brave the sun and rain, the light and…

Oh God, I have a flat! And I have a trailer and some angry children staring at me….
I started out with the mindset to write solely about Burley D’Lite trailer maintenance. I kept however returning to the idea that the day to day maintenance of all trailers AND bikes are some common concerns. The basic care, tools and checklist is really what is so important and not enough people discuss this other…

Cruising with Croozer at Interbike
Croozer another one of our favorites bike child trailers! Croozer makes child trailers easy to buy because it’s a 3-n-1 trailer, it comes with everything you need to got outside! It comes with a Cycling kit, jogging kit and strolling kit. What else do you need? The new Croozer click and cruise makes this even…

What's in an appraisal form? Evidence the real estate industry hasn't caught onto the demand for walkable, bikeable places
When my husband and I set out to buy our first home together last year, we were pretty shocked to find out just how little we could afford in our rapidly-gentrifying city. Gone are the days in New Orleans where you could find a peeling shotgun for a steal. Despite sluggish economic times elsewhere in…

No helmet? No problem. Seattle's bike share includes helmet workaround
I’m in Seattle visiting family this week and getting a much-welcomed reprieve from the summer heat back home. It’s been a few years since I last visited the Emerald City, and one of the first changes I spotted upon disembarking from the ferry terminal the other day was the stations filled with lime green Pronto…

A Brief, Illustrated History of the Bicycle at War, Part 1: Boers on Bikes
“A Bike, A Bike, My Free-State for a Bike!” The utility of any invention is most tested when it is put to war, and the bicycle is no exception. Like any invention, mankind was quick to press the bicycle into making war.

Dutch Auction Style Closeouts: 5% MORE Off the Price Every Month
To really clear out these closeouts, we’re experimenting with a new technique. We have the closeouts for our 5 departments listed on the following 5 closeout pages: Bags Trailers Accessories Apparel Components At the start of each month, every closeout will be: increased by 5% We will keep doing this every month until all items…

Have Bike AND Kids- want to travel!
So, my husband and I want to travel for our last summer hurrah! You know, in Tucson, before school starts it is HOT! We have one last chance to experience the beach and cooler weather possibly before the kids head off and life, well, gets even crazier all over again! And you definitely know you…

La. lawmaker to cyclists: Keep off the streets
I live in Louisiana, a place that carries the ignominious designation of being one of the most dangerous places to walk or bicycle in the country. We’re in good company in the Sun Belt and in the Deep South in particular which, with certain important exceptions, is especially hostile to non-motorized transportation. Part of the…

To Bike and Protect: Cops Bike for the Common Good
Cops on bikes? It sounds like a Monty Python skit, to be sure. But what could be more utilitarian than bike cops? If the purpose of police is to protect and serve, and if the bicycle is the vehicle that allows police more contact with the community and more opportunity to fight crime, then why…

Hot Fun Biking in the Summertime!
Oh my, oh my, oh my- it is a hot one out there! This is what we mostly have been hearing this summer from meteorologists across the country. Hotter than normal for the most part. Whether it is that ‘dry heat’ we have here in Tucson, AZ or the thick humidity and heat of the…

Learn to ride a bike: The Strider Balance Bike Review!
When you have kids, you want to pass down to them the things you love and the love of outdoors and bicycles is an easy one. Sometimes learning and teaching your kids to ride a bike can be stressful but balance bikes take away the guess work and tears. Strider makes riding a bike easy,…

A Dutch woman's take on biking in the U.S.
Most anyone reading these words is well aware of The Netherlands’ reputation as a haven for biking. An estimated 30 percent of people in the country count the bicycle as their primary mode of transportation to work, a staggering figure compared to American standards, even amid recent bicycling gains. In this country, fewer than 1…

Thanks for biking when biking wasn't cool DAD!!! Happy Father's Day!
With father’s day here, I wanted to write a quick thank you to my Dad and all those dad’s out there sharing their love of biking and the outdoors with their children. My Dad was not the usual kinda guy other kids had for a dad. He was a little quirky in his own way….

Bike Medics Do It Faster
If you’ve been to an outdoor festival or a marathon, you’ve seen the guys standing on the sidelines with overloaded mountain bikes. At first glance you might have thought they were just part of the crowd, but their matching uniforms and EMS embroidery tells a different story: they’re Bike Medics. Surely in the Twenty First…