The Archives
Two Mornings
Two Mornings

Californians: A Call to Action
Californians, it is time to act. The California Bicycle Coalition and the City of Los Angeles have cosponsored a 3-foot passing bill, Senate Bill 910. Many other states have already passed similar legislation that requires automobile operators to allow a minimum of three feet when passing a cyclist from behind, and California is working to…
Flagstaff Summer Bike Commuters
A couple of snapshots of cyclists breezing by in the Flagstaff summer air. Don’t let the summer pass you by without making sure to get in some good riding yourself…
Bicycling in Indonesia
Bicycling in Indonesia
Campfire Cycling Trailer Lineup
I recently did a little tuning up of the Campfire Cycling trailer fleet. These are the trailers that we keep around for shop use and when customers want to borrow one for a couple days to really get a sense for how the different styles of trailer feel on the bike. The lineup includes an…

Self-Inflating Commuter Tire
You’re a bike commuter. You’re in good shape. Your risk of coronary artery disease is pretty low, so you’re not likely to be needing a peristaltic pump–one of those pumps in an open-heart bypass machine. But would you be interested in a peristaltic pump if it was at the heart of a self-inflating commuter tire?…
Bike Move in Bozeman
Bike Move in Bozeman
Commute by Bike Taxi
I was in New York City about a month ago, and I was really impressed by how many bike taxis there were. It really appears that bike taxis are taking over the city. It got me wondering what were the forces behind this strongly emerging trend. I suspect some combination of economic, fashion and environmentalism….

BackTpack: A Bag for the Zombie Apocalypse (and Good Posture)
Karen Voyer-Caravona is an admitted bicycle dilettante in Flagstaff, Arizona, who blogs about her adventures on two wheels, vélo envy, her husband’s cooking, and cross country skiing at Visit her Website for her endless opinions on the most stylish shoes for pedaling, critiques of bike parking, and the best bike date dining destinations. The…
Saving The World With Bikes
This is what I call a lucky snapshot. I was recently visiting family in New Jersey and as we drove by this bike shop I noticed this great sign in their window. A cyclist was conveniently riding by at the same moment, doing his part to save the world.

Man vs. Towelette: Commuting to a Showerless Workplace
To paraphrase John Wayne, “I see you talk the talk but do ride the ride?” Bob Caravona is an Urban Planner and an amateur triathlete who not only talks the talk, but also swims the swim, bikes the bike, and runs the run. He strives for local government to follow through with the same conviction….

Have you realized your racks, bags, and panniers are junk?
When I was younger I used to buy my bike bags at the army surplus store. They weren’t actually army surplus equipment. There was nothing army about them. They were cheap junk. I still have some of them. I’ve bought several cheap bike rear racks too, including the classic cast-aluminum “mousetrap” rack, shown here pinching…
BICAS Refugee Program
BICAS Refugee Program
Ted's Vapid Vacation
I took a vacation from Commute by Bike earlier this month, and turned it into five posts on Commute by Bike.One of the highlights was a visit to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. This is my wife, Cyd, turning one of nature’s wonders into a Campfire Cycling advertisement: Oh Cyd, how crass!Truthfully, we…

Cycling Over 50: 'The benefits just don't outweigh the potential consequences'
Every now and then I must relearn the lesson that doctors aren’t necessarily scientists. This is from The Huffington Post: “Cycling Injuries: A New Epidemic?” I have treated hundreds of [facial] injuries. Facial fractures may result from any significant blunt trauma — motor vehicle accidents, physical altercations, sports injuries. … In the last year I…

Hydration & Nuun: A Product Review Disguised as a PSA
And now, an important message on hydration, brought to you by Commute by Bike. Research indicates that ten out of ten Americans need to consume adequate amounts of water to survive. Most people have heard the sage advice, "drink before you're thirsty;" by the time that you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. With dehydration…
Bikeways in Bogota
Bikeways in Bogota

Seepless in Seattle: The O2 Nokomis Jacket
Josh King lives in Seattle, where he commutes by bike every day, rain or shine. He switched to full-time single speed commuting in 2010. You can read his thoughts on going gearless at Given Seattle’s reputation for rain, it’s surprising how infrequently you really need a real, honest-to-goodness cycling rain jacket when commuting in-town….
Final 2011 Ortlieb, Tubus, Racktime Sale + Logo Panniers!
We’ve just launched our final sale Ortlieb, Tubus and Racktime for 2011. With all of these incredible bike bags and racks at 10% off through August 24th, I thought I would take this opportunity to announce the new logo panniers that we just got in. We decided to have our wheel logo emblazoned across…
No "Ridiculous" Car Trips Campaign
No “Ridiculous” Car Trips Campaign
Caption This
A customer sent in this photo of the logo contrasted against these enormous grain elevators “used to dry and store corn and soy beans, to feed the nations meat…..”
Surly BOB at Joshua Tree
Another satisfied customer: “I received my BOB Yak trailer and immediately hooked it to my Surly LHT and headed into Joshua tree national park for a test ride. I live by the entrance. Love it!”

Why don't you tell me 'bout the mystery rack?
This custom rack was made by Stuart Henderson, Campfire Cycling‘s resident metal fabricator, artist, and renaissance man. It is designed to carry a very specific object. Can you guess what that object is? The first person who guesses correctly wins a Commute by Bike t-shirt. Leave your guesses in the comments. Hint 1: The object…
Dutch Extreme Bike Commuting
Dutch Extreme Bike Commuting