The Archives

Commuter 'White Knuckle Moments'
Three weeks into life as a bike commuter, Steve Benning has encountered some of the challenges that even the most committed among us face from time to time. Unpleasant weather is one of the triggers for excuses to use the car. We had that kind of weather last week in the form of 40 to…

Les and Maury: The Downside of e-Bikes as Equalizers
E-bikes have been touted for their equalizing effect in a couple of ways. First, a weaker rider can keep up with stronger riders on an e-bike. Secondly, an e-bike helps the rider do his/her commute and errands faster than on a non-powered bike–in some contexts, equaling toward the speed of errands and commuting by car….

Take It Easy: Jackson Browne Trivia and a Dead E-Bike Battery
I succeeded in running down the battery the Hebb ElectroCruiser 700 until it wouldn’t go anymore. I was right in front of The Route 66 Dog Haus. The three-LED power indicator went permanently red after 20.4 miles on a single charge. The last five or more miles were no picnic. And given the hills, headwinds,…
BONGOing at the Home Depot
Last weekend Melanie and I were using one of the handiest features of the Wandertec BONGO Bike Trailer. We flipped up the handle up the hitch arm in order to get it to function as a handle. We were unsure of how many flowers and other items we were going to be able to fit…

'Gearing Up' for Bike to Work Week (Get it?)
I was interviewed along with Josh Lipton and Anthony Quintile about the upcoming Bike to Work Week.

The e-Bike Guinea Pig Talks Traffic
Steve Benning has been bike commuting for two weeks, and shows no sign of waning enthusiasm. We sat down and talked about dealing with drivers, motorcycle baggage, and family planning. Wait. That didn’t come out right. I’ve been using this as my second car, because we only have one car in our family. So I’ve…
Critical Mass and the (Bicycle) Chain Reaction
Cycling enthusiasts and nuclear engineers both have a unique understanding of critical mass. While cyclists do not necessarily need to understand the effective neutron multiplication factor or fissile material to participate in cyclings Critical Mass events, these rides do have a complex and sometimes misunderstood history. Critical Mass rides are still defined by organized coincidence,…

Running on Empty: Power Anxiety and e-Bikes
Am just using a lot of power, or am I about to be stranded going up this hill with a dead battery and a 60 pound bike?

It's Bike Month: Get Out There and Proselytize!
Top Four Tips For Being More Influential to Non-Cyclists during Bike Month.

Interview: Aaron Dykstra of Six-Eleven Bicycle Co. – NAHBS 2011
Before starting Six-Eleven Bicycle Co., Aaron Dykstra left his hometown of Roanoake, Virginia, and enlisted in the Air Force where he worked as mechanic on F-15 fighter planes. Later he worked a cycling advocate in New York and Chicago, before returning to Roanoke with a changed perspective. Josh interviewed Dykstra at the North American Handmade…

Fix-Curious? An Experiment in Fixed-Gear Commuting - Part 1
Josh King lives in Seattle, where he commutes by bike every day, rain or shine. He switched to full-time single speed commuting in 2010. You can read his thoughts on going gearless at At the beginning of 2010, frustrated by the mechanical problems and constant derailleur adjustments necessitated by riding through Seattle's winters, I…
The Xootr Crossrack – Where no Pannier has Gone Before
The Crossrack seems to be specifically designed for their Swift folding bike and Xootr MG Scooter. However, it fits most folding and standard frames…

(Get Your) Car-Shaped Bike Racks on Route 66
I noticed these car-shaped bike racks next to a picnic area along the multi-use path that follows Route 66 through Flagstaff.

Purists, Cults, and Wheelies
As much as I get annoyed by the purists cults within cycling, this morning I was reminded of what that purist impulse feels like.

The Equalizing Power of Bikes: Restless Collective Interview
We love that bikes are so equalizing. You can find a bicycle in just about every corner of the planet. From the richest cities to the poorest towns, there are people riding bicycles.

Jawa Costume from Bike Accessories
Recently I received a pair of Fire Eye rear helmet lights for review. My first instinct was to goof off with them.

Dawn of the J.O.Y.B.A.G.â„¢
An invitation to gripe about what’s wrong with bikes.

J.O.Y.B.A.G. Bike
J.O.Y.B.A.G.â„¢ bike is the pursuit of an ideal bicycle that offers as much convenience, reliability and ease of use, all within a package that is affordable and attractive to a wide spectrum of users.
Mo Rocca: 'We'll all be on bikes'
It was just a little thing, but another Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me! panelist managed to irritate me over the weekend.
Chariot Cougar With Gepida E-Bikes
A reader recently sent in this photo with her Chariot Cougar 1. We were interested to hear that they were pulling this bike child trailer with an electric bike. Here at the Campfire Cycling, we are about to add in a lineup of electric bikes into the mix of what we do and our very…
Wheels for Wellbeing
Wheels for Wellbeing

Vineyard Dave: Mild Mannered Velomobile Maniac
When Dave was done itemizing all the gear and specs, I got a sense of his competitive side–destroying the perception I’d been forming of him as a mild-mannered hippie dad with a funky bike.

e-Bike Commuter Guinea Pig After One Week
Steve Benning comes close to being the perfect Guinea Pig for a new bike commuter. (Sigh… If only he had high-maintenance hair.)

I read the news Earth Day oh boy…
I hold the position–ensuring that I will never get elected to anything–that rising gas prices are good.