The Archives
Little Red Riding Hood's Grand Canyon Brompton Ride
On our trip to the Grand Canyon last weekend, we decided that rather than catching the bus to the start of the Kaibab trail, we’d park and ride the 1 mile rim ride to the trailhead. Folding bikes available in the back of the trunk are excellent for unplanned conveniences and adventures such as this.
Commute by Big Wheel: Accidental Advocacy Strikes Again
I watched the video of a Big Wheel beating a NYC bus and (when I stopped laughing) thought, How can you argue against bike lanes in New York City?
Moving Beyond the Automobile: Traffic Calming
Traffic Calming
What is bike commuting "expertise?"
Are we the experts in the thing that requires no expertise?
Cyclovia Tucson 2011
Cyclovia is not a race; cyclovia is not a parade; cyclovia is simply a temporary space that springs up for people to interact with each other, get some exercise, and do so in safe, car-free environment.
Grand Canyon Weekend on Folding Bikes
My wife and I decided to take a quick weekend getaway to the Grand Canyon. We tossed the Brompton and Bike Friday folding bikes into the trunk of our Corolla thinking we might do a little riding. These bikes turned out to be perfect tools for tooling around the South Rim.

Bicycle = Pogo Stick ∴ P.J. O'Rourke = Carrot Top
P. J. O’Rourke complained about bikes, and cyclists, with the same whiny grievances and arguments we cyclists have heard before–only funnier.
Interview: Jeremy SyCip of SyCip Bikes – NAHBS 2011
Jeremy Sycip, of SyCip Bikes, is a well recognized name in the custom frame building world and has been making user-friendly, reliable, eye-catching bikes since 1992. Josh interviewed Sycip at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS) in Austin. When I see people on the bikes, when I see them on the trails, and they…
The Bicycle City Trailer
The Bicycle City Trailer
A Conservative Commuter's Recycled Raleigh
A brown Raleigh Sprite! It was a mess. Something didn’t look quite right about the front wheel, the brake cables hung loose, no front derailleur, and it was all scratched up–even for a 30-plus-year-old bike.
Not the Troll
This ugly Troll Doll has been being passed around the office showing up on people’s desks and other spots. Today seemed like an appropriate day to pass it off to the interwebs.
Advocate's Dilemma Revisited (And Revoked)
If we ignore one part of the equation, we either end up advocating for something that nobody is really invested in, or we struggle to really enjoy riding bikes.
Auto Passengers to be Required to Wear Helmets
UPDATE: If you are discovering this article after April Fools Day 2011, don’t, y’know, freak out or anything. April 1, 2011, 7:40AM ET The Federal Highway Administration will require that all states either implement helmet laws for drivers and passengers in passenger cars or lose Federal funding for highways. States will have until 2018 to…
Bicycle Signage: Signs, Markings & Signals
Bicycle signage is implemented to guide cyclists and to improve roadway safety for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers. There are three general categories of signage, including posted signs, roadway markings and electronic signals, and within these categories, there are numerous variations.Signs for cyclists are typically wayfinding signs placed at intersections where bikeways or bike routes are…
Tiny Bikeshop Concert: Brianna Lane, Live from Calhoun Cycle
This is the kick-off for the Tiny Bikeshop Concert series from Banjo Brothers. I’ve never heard of Brianna Lane before, so here’s a quote I found on her Website from Her music is about self-expression, love and heartache presented with rich vocals. I love how Brianna paints a picture with every word in every…

Review: Sock Guy Arm Warmers
The only test that these arm warmers have yet to pass is the test of time.
Art and Son and an Adams Trail-A-Bike
Riding my bike into work yesterday morning, I ran into my friend Art bringing in his 4 & and half year old son to pre-school. His son was riding a trusty Adam’s Trail-A-Bike. Being that we just started carrying Adams at, I was curious how Art was liking this product. Art mentioned that the…
Tiny Bikeshop Concerts
Banjo Brothers is launching a Tiny Bikeshop Concert Series. This will be a series of concerts held in bike shops.

Brompton: The Sex Pistols of Folding Bikes
Brompton is the Rolex watch of folding bikes; the VW Beetle of folding bikes; the McDonald’s hamburger of folding bikes; the Marlborough cigarette of folding bikes…the iconic folding bike.
Back on the horse that throwed me
After two days of using that boat to get around, I can truly say, I really like riding a bike.
Ohm Electric Sport Bicycle in the Spring Snow
Last week I was getting familiar with an Ohm Electric Sport Bicycle. As Ted mentioned over at a part of bike commuting often involves finding efficient short cuts. While a light weight/skinny tire commuter bike may be more efficient on smooth roads, in many areas a more off-road capable commuter will end up getting…
Two things I'd never want: a Huffy or a Stalker
Is there a creepier model name for any mass-produced bike?
Carrying Your Stuff: Cargo Bicycles
There is more than one way to skin a cat just like there is more than one way to transport such unfortunate cats or other things on your bicycle. To be exact, there are three widely used, reliable ways to carry stuff on you bicycle. We’ve looked at carrying stuff by bike in Bicycling Bags…