The Archives
Epic Tours (Roundup)
As most of you know, BikeShopHub is the publisher of UtilityCycling. In the past, we’ve covered a lot of epic tours over on our sister site, but we are now going to be switching gears (oh puns…) so to speak and BikeShopHub will now be taking over the reporter position.
Replacing Bike Trailer Bearings
For those of you who are having trouble finding a way to replace bearings on commodity trailers, wikiHow has a new step-by-step tutorial on what you need to use and how to do it in just 16 steps!
Bike Church Tool Cooperative
Bike Church Tool Cooperative
Saved by the Bike: Bill & Daisy Mae
In a small town in south-central Pennsylvania, salvation found a man and a dog through cycling.
The Buff Seamless Headband
Over the course of two weeks, I tested the Buff Headband while running and cross country skiing, as well as during my regular bike commute to work.
Moving a Kentucky Home on Bike Trailers
“Moving day” is perhaps one of the most stress inducing phrases a person can hear in their adult life. I should know, I’ve had to slog my junk across my hometown about five time in the last four years. But bike-enthusiasts, we’ve got great news! Andy Dyson managed to move the contents of his Louisville home about 1.4 miles away, all on pedal-power!
The Rise of the Commuter & E-Bike Specialist Shop (Part 5)
I am glad that these shops are out there spreading the word about bikes as a viable form of transportation–especially in the US. We seem to be behind the curve when it comes to bikes being accepted as a way to get around.
The Hills Are Alive Tour: Sights of 'The Sound of Music'
Recently, a Montague rider named Hernani Cardoso undertook a journey from Austria to Bulgaria after being inspired by the amazing visuals from The Sound of Music. The trip was long and somewhat difficult, but in his online interview with Montague Bikes, Cardoso recalls the details of his trip with clarity and enthusiasm.
'Riding Is My Antidepressant' (Roundup)
Would you buy your fake masters degree from an online diploma mill whose operators don’t even know how to Google search for the top bike commuting blog?
8 Reasons To Bike Commute With Your Kids
The following piece is a guest post by Kathleen McDade. Kathleen usually blogs over at Techno Earth Mama, but given her expertise in family cycling, she is going to write a few posts for Utility Cycling on the topic. We look forward to expanding this important piece of utility cycling with Kathleen’s help! Bicycle commuting…
How Not to Ride an E-Bike
…so I came up with this brilliant plan: She’d stand on one pedal, and I’d stand on the other. We’d motor to our destination.
Australian Family's Crazy Taxi Trailer
“The area (Queensland) is known as the dry tropics. The arrangement that you see was used for grocery shopping when I lived back in place called Wodonga in the north eastern part of Victoria. Now I have a kiddie Chariot trailer taken the place of the BOB as we have an increased family size and the grocery bill that goes with it.”
Carrying Your Stuff: Bicycle Cargo Trailers
Last April, we covered the most common methods for transporting goods on a bicycle in Stacey Moses’s article Carrying Your Stuff: Bicycle Bags and Racks. Now it is time to turn our utility cycling obsessed brains in the direction of a less frequently used method for transporting goods by bicycle, bicycle cargo trailers. Though used…

My First Bike Commuting Crash
This past Thursday, I was in my first ever bike commuting accident. The result: a broken bike, a broken helmet, a badly bruised knee, a mild concussion, and some post-accident anger.
Montague Boston: Single Speed Folding Commuter
This would be an ideal bike for a commuter (a) living in a fairly flat big city, (b) who does not need to fold and unfold the bike during the course of his or her commute, and (c) has cozy spots for the bike both at home and at the office.
Sarah Outen: Circumnavigating Solo by Bike and Boat
Sarah Outen, a citizen of London, England plans to ride and paddle her way across Asia, the Pacific ocean, North America, and then back to her hometown across the Atlantic in a two-year tour. Her journey is scheduled for April 1st, 2011, but she’s already begun to prepare with strict training regiments and getting her gear together.
The Rise of the Commuter & E-Bike Specialist Shop (Part 4)
The New Wheel is a “mobile bike shop” in San Francisco doing demos across the city at farmers markets and offering personal test rides to potential customers.
Jen and the Art of Life on Bikes
It took Jenny about five years to ultimately embrace life on bikes. In these videos, she openly discusses the rough road from being “addicted†to her minivan to realizing that her family of six was better off without it.
Riding in the Winter
Riding in the Winter
Cargo Hitch with Trailing and Offset Modes
Having to tow lengthy cargo (golf clubs, fish tanks, suspiciously unmarked cardboard boxes: the essentials) is definitely a problem, but one of our readers has come up with his own hitching system to offset the literal “drag” of figuring out how to set up your trailer to fit in bigger packages.
Recovering and Rediscovering Cycling after 20 Years
I used be a cyclist. Then I wasn’t. After almost twenty years I’ve started cycling again. Why such a big gap? What has changed in that time?
Youth Bike Summit
Youth Bike Summit
Commute by Bike T-Shirts: Be the First Commuter on your Block…
Five poll-takers chosen at random will receive a free t-shirt once we choose a design. You’ll be able to buy the shirts eventually, but at first they’ll be extremely exclusive.
Austin Bike Zoo's Non-Utility Cycling
The mission of Austin Bike Zoo is “to have fun and make people happy with our unique human powered vehicles, bicycle-based theatrical performances and educational programs for youth.” You could call what they do, “non-utility cycling” if you’re the type of person who finds no utility in art, community building, and imagination. But you’re not,…