The Archives
Stay Hydrated
Our friend Robert reminds us that hydration is the key to a good ride. I’m sure whatever he’s carrying in those pony kegs are quenching some thirsty riders. Another great use of the Xtracycle and Wandertec Bongo trailer. Ride on…
Why WE Ride
Why WE Ride

What's the Best Way to Say, "Watch Out for Bikes!"
As best I can, I try to keep an eye out for new bicycle commuting or utility cycling themed videos throughout the week. Fortunately, when a new video pops up, it usually makes an appearance on a handful of bicycling blogs and websites, so they are pretty easy to find. Today, this video popped up…
Bike Infrastructure Innovation: Protected Intersections
Bike Infrastructure Innovation: Protected Intersections
Share the Love: Watch Out for Cyclists
Share the Love: Watch Out for Cyclists

Biopsies and Bicycle Saddles
Pretty weird title for an article, eh? Doesn’t sound like two things which would have anything to do with each other, does it? Oh, but they have a lot to do with each other, at least as far as my own health is concerned, and it will take me a little bit to explain. I…

Bike Share Redux
I’m a little late to the party on this one, but there were some interesting bike sharing related headlines floating around in the last few weeks that warrant a little discussion. Ironically, here I am writing about bike sharing again when I admitted recently to never having used a bike sharing system myself. I’m not…
BOB Trailer Cruising the Burr Trail
Rick recently sent us this photo of his touring set up. He’s got a BOB Yak trailer with the attached Greenspeed rack for extra storage. He’s also using a Greenfield Stabilizer Kickstand for extra stability for the added weight.He toured from Bullfrog Utah to Boulder Utah along the Burr Trail, carrying 5 large bottles of…

Dorcy Front and Rear Bicycle Lights – A Review
Dorcy Hawkeye Bicycle Lighting Somewhere out there exists market research that identifies the primary purchasers and users of bicycle lighting. I couldnt find that research after a five minute Google search but Im too stressed out to look for it. As a graduate student in my final semester of school, I know how to…

This Week in Bike Commuting Urban Legends
Urban legend: a form of modern folklore consisting of stories that may or may not have been believed by their tellers to be true [Wikipedia]. Urban legends permeate our lives. Many towns, groups, parents, teachers, spouses, you name it, have some kind of urban legend they use to make points, create feelings, or just entertain….

It Even Has a Zipper-Tuck! Green Guru's Clutch Saddle Bag
Former top pro mountain bike racer Dara Marks Marino now coaches cyclists and triathletes through Most of her commuting these days is with a trail-a-bike. Picture it: the National Mountain Bike Pro Cross Country race in Aspen, CO, circa 2005. This was my course. Climb for an hour, descend fast and furious. Repeat. I…
Why Open Streets Are Great
Why Open Streets Are Great

2014 Fashion Trend: Electronic Turn Signal Gloves
First things first. Happy New Year all you Commute by Bike Readers! I’m not exactly one for making new year’s resolutions. Why not make resolve to do something differently any day of the year? Plus, most people don’t even make it to February with their resolutions. Maybe that’s because many resolutions are too big or…
The Bicycle – Short Film
The Bicycle – Short Film

Burley Nomad Trailer – The View from the Bike
This is a perspective you don’t see often. Riley attached a camera to the back of his bike to film his sturdy Burley Nomad cruising along the road near the seaside and on a dirt trail. The trailer itself is loaded with camera gear and it looks snug and tight inside the trailer. It looks…
Dear Motorist: A Follow-Up
Last month, following the rash of cycling fatalities in London over a two week period, I composed a post called Learning from London (Or Are We?) in which I reviewed and critiqued the reactions of the media, the mayor and a former Olympic cyclist. My point, that there isn’t a single type of road user…
Holiday Shopping by Cargo Bike
Holiday Shopping by Cargo Bike
Ted's Leisure Trailer – Built for Fun
Ted recently shared with us his sturdy trailer build that looks like a party on wheels! Ted explains the origins:I built this bike trailer in the spring of 1987 in Calgary, Alberta. It was designed to supplement a backpack and front pannier bags, and to encourage a leisurely travel pace through exercise.Two main challenges by this…

The Daily Commute & Bike Sharing on NPR
I want to start this post by sharing a little secret of mine. Perhaps it’s not a secret so much as an admission, but I think it’s relevant to the content of this post nonetheless. Here goes – I have never used a bike sharing system. For starters, I’ve never lived in a city that…
The Copenhagen Wheel is Here
The Copenhagen Wheel is Here

Wear your Helmet in Style: Review of the RockiNoggins Helmet Cover
Hi, everyone. This is my latest product review for Commute by Bike (and this time, we wade into controversial waters!) All my friends and family know, often to their irritation and embarrassment, that I never shy away from controversy, even if paid to do so (which I havent been). My three favorite topics to bring…

The 2013 Holiday Gift Guide!
Its that time of year again. That time of year for wallowing in the gift giving ambiguities of consumerism, generosity and self-interest. We are here to help you through this mess with some clear and concise holiday gift related strategies. #1: Consumerism: Attack this problem head on by tying consumerism to products that help…

Learning from London (Or Are We?)
Six cyclists have died in London in two weeks. This cant possibly be breaking news for anyone who is reading a cycling blog (or reading in general) as this rash of fatalities has been widely covered by major news outlets from every conceivable angle. BBC News alone has published pieces such as London Cycle Deaths:…