
Bicycle-makers Shift Gears

A radical idea is sweeping the world of American bicycle manufacturing: Building bikes that people will use for actual transportation. After decades of promoting models designed for recreation, from full-suspension mountain bikes to ever-faster road bikes, industry heavyweights are now moving into commuters – rugged specimens made for riding to work. It’s great to hear…


Ok, so I got this really sweet brand new t-shirt from KHS while we were at Interbike. And I wanted to share it with one of you! (It’s a size Medium by the way). Soooooo here we go….answer me this: 1. Give me the name of the cool dude we deal with at KHS. (hint:…

Don's Intro To The Hill

I went out for a ride with Kharl and Don early this morning. Man was it COLD! Kharl wanted to introduce Don to the hill. Who am I to interject? This hill has an 8% grade and goes on for a mile. 8% doesn’t sound steep at all, but riding it for a mile would…

City Island With Family

Yesterday my wife Soraya and I took our bikes and rode around City Island with the kids. It’s such an awesome feeling riding as a family. We don’t get to do this too often because our work schedules wouldn’t permit. So I jump on it every chance I get. Here’s Soraya next to the Seven…

Yellow Card

“This magnet was tossed onto your car by a cyclist who felt that you might have been driving in a way that could have endangered their life. They chose to toss this magnetic note because it can neither damage your automobile, nor affix itself to rubber or glass and will therefore not affect your driving….

Dream Vehicle

I’d always wanted an off-road convertible vehicle. Well, I’ve just realized that I had one hanging on my garage. It’s my ‘New to Me’ K2 Lithium 4.0. that I traded my Specialized FSR XC S-Works race bike for. To me, cycling is about having fun, if I’m riding a commuter bike to work, if I’m…

Sette Rival Shoes Review

Disclaimer: As a product reviewer for Commute By Bike, I am providing my unbiased opinion of any products provided to us by any company. I do not posses any type of relationship with the product’s company or parent companies. Companies that send in their goods to be reviewed do not compensate me in any way….


Oh man, I finally got back on the bike today. So that means I’m purdy happy. A month away bicycle commuting will do wonders for your fitness level. It took me an additional 20 minutes to get to work. Since I don’t get off until 6pm, I’ll have to hustle it on my way home…

KHS Urban Xtreme 100 mile update

I have put over 100 miles on the KHS Urban Xtreme. Some of these miles have been ‘leisure’ miles, like going to the beach, riding to the park or running errands. I’m really impressed with the Xtreme, my roadie buddies were also impressed with the Xtreme. I was able to draft and stay with them…

"PT Ride"

I must say there is nothing like guetting up at 0530 and take on some hills for fun. Thats what my buddy Randy and I did this morning. I must say it kind of kicked my butt, just yesterday I had a PT test; I was wore out, but it was fun. We hit a…

Bicycle Movie Night

The second annual Santa Cruz Bicycle Movie Night starts off with a Mystery Ride to the movies, starting downtown Santa Cruz at 5:30pm, at the corner of Cooper and Pacific. A ride, two great films, short bike films, bicycle valet parking, hot cocoa, great company — don’t miss this! Geat way to bring the community…

I'm about to go Postal!

Man…it’s been well over a month since I’ve been able to ride my bike to work. As I’ve mentioned before, I either have meetings in the mornings or commitments at night that requires me to drive my car. This lack of commuting is driving me cRaZY!!! I’ve been able to ride here and there during…


For the past year I’ve been riding my bike inside our warehouse to get around. It’s either that or drive the golf cart. I prefer the bike or the Trikke just because it’s more practical and a lot more fun. I don’t have to worry about recharging my bike and it doesn’t cost the government…

Interbike is for the Girls too!!!

Not to rub it in but we had a great time! This was my first year so to say the least it was a bit overwhelming….miles and miles of bikes and gear!!! I was pleasantly surprised to see lots of gear for the ladies but we need more!!! The industry is just starting to tap…

Night Ridin'

After a long day at work I decided to hop on my mountain bike and hit the Fullerton Loop. I was using the Cygolite Hi Flux 200 as my head light and the PrincetonTec Eos as my helmet light. I have to tell ya its a bit freaky to be riding in the night. You…

Biking New Cumberland

I had the chance to ride the “Paratrooper” this weekend. I must say it is a nice ride. There are a few things I notice that I would change or modify for personal use. One thing I would get rid of is the pedal straps, I like to have my feet free for quick reaction….

September's Re-cap

Here are September’s most popular posts in case you missed them: NYC Bike Commute Nice Video of a NY bike commuter Military on Bikes One of our readers begs to differ on the use of bikes on the military. Mountain Biking Babe! Start’em early I say! Jenson USA Ride Yeah, I almost puked… Reflections Mirror,…

How to save $700 in Los Angeles

A recent study found that Los Angeles is Second in the Nation with the worst major roads and highways. Driving in LA will cost about $693 of car repairs due to potholes. So, in top of saving money in Gas when you ride your bike to work, you can add an additional $700 to that…

Cool Bikes At InterBike

I forget who makes it but its absolutely beautiful! This one was made by Calfee Bikes. It’s a bamboo bike with bull horn handle bars…but those are REAL bull horns….By the way, the wheels are made out of wood. This one is the PV Glider. The frame is entirely made out of PVC pipes. The…

More Interbike Photos Posted!

I’m uploading as I write. So enjoy them. Let me know if you have any questions. Don’t worry, I’ll post some highlights. If you find something interesting let me know, I’ll try to remember what it was about and post a description. Check it out HERE! and HERE.

Back From Interbike

After walking around for 9 hours in 2 days with bags and bags of samples and media kits, then driving 4 hours just to get back home, I still have to say Interbike was pretty awesome! I’m still having issues with internet and WIFI with my laptop. But as soon as I get a good…

Cervelo Cycles Recall

Cervelo Cycles Inc. Announces Recall of Bicycles Due to Fall Hazard WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firms named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. Name of Product: 2005 R2.5 Model Carbon Fiber…