
Kickstarter Projects for Bike Commuters

Kickstarter Projects for Bike Commuters

Kickstarter is a Web site that allows creative people to raise money to realize their ideas, whether it’s a movie, an art exhibit, a video game, or a cycling accessory. People running Kickstarter projects contact me all the time. Sometimes I ignore them. Sometimes I write about them. Sometimes I ignore them for awhile, and…

"The Way I Roll" Chris Van Dine Video

"The Way I Roll" Chris Van Dine Video

Peter Sutherland is a NYC-based filmmaker, photographer and artist who has made a series of documentary films about passionate cyclists. “Sutherland,” says the press release, “has followed athletes, bike makers and enthusiasts on their home ground, biking and talking about their strong passion for the bike culture.” The series is called “The Way I Roll,”…

Doug's Wandertec "Bongo" Bakery Build

More and more businesses are hitting the streets with more eco-conscious delivery-by-bike services. Doug utilized our very own Wandertec Bongo cargo trailer as a platform for Oakland’s Fat Bottom Bakery cupcake transportation cart. Doug remarks, “You have a great trailer design there. It was very easy to work with and very light. A really sensible…

Chariot Child Bike Trailers: Save up to 35%

This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to you inbox, subscribe here. Save up to 35% on Chariot Child Carriers Our huge ongoing sale on Chariot Child Carriers just got… huger.It’s not just the 2011 models.Now the 2012 carriers and all Chariot accessories are getting in on the act…

Bikes Belong… In the House

Bikes Belong… In the House

BluesCat is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who originally returned to bicycling in 2002 in order to help his son get the Boy Scout Cycling merit badge. His bikes sat idle until the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked at over $4.00 per gallon. Since then, he has become active cycling, day-touring, commuting by…

Bill's Ortlieb-Revelate-Extrawheel Extravaganza!

Extrawheel trailers are on sale!! at Bike Trailer Shop thru September 4th.   Showcasing the Extrawheel Voyager‘s tremendous cargo carrying capabilities is Bill’s custom built ready-to-tour bike.   The setup includes a Revelate Designs Tangle frame pack, the rack mounted and ever-popular Ortlieb Back Roller Classics in black and yellow (black and yellow black and yellow, everything…

Anti-Cycling Infographic Desguised as Pro-Cycling

Infoschmucks: Anti-Cycling Infographic Disguised as Pro-Cycling

There’s a new infographic making the rounds. If you follow bike-related blogs, Facebookers, or Twitterers you might have seen it. And it purports to provide “Depressing Statistics of Bicycle Accidents” on cycling in Great Britain. The only thing depressing to me is how many bloggers, Facebookers, and Twitterers uncritically regurgitated this — as they always…

Rick's Sick Helmet Plummage, Bro!

Rick has been a busy collector on his 10,000 mile bike journey through the southern California desert.   1200 miles in, he has collected eight feathers from eight different species of bird.   Wonder what the next 8800 miles will bring?   And the rest of you: beware the mighty and elusive mythical desert peacock.  

Project Bikes Anonymous

Project Bikes Anonymous

For every crazy cat lady, there must be dozens of women who are (as the bumper sticker says), “One bad relationship away from having 30 cats.” There is a bike equivalent to this phenomenon: Guys (as long as we’re indulging stereotypes) who can’t stop collecting stray bikes. In my town, that guy is Elson Miles,…

A Bike Trailer for Car-Sized Errands

This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to you inbox, subscribe here. The Wandertec Tuba:A Bike Trailer for Life-Sized Loads Some errands are an excuse to use the family car.Sorry, America, we want to change that.We’ve designed a trailer for carrying the loads that used to go in your…

Doctor's Orders: Ride Naked (The Best Underwear for Cycling in Regular Duds)

Doctor's Orders: Ride Naked

BluesCat is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who originally returned to bicycling in 2002 in order to help his son get the Boy Scout Cycling merit badge. His bikes sat idle until the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked at over $4.00 per gallon. Since then, he has become active cycling, day-touring, commuting by…

Mark and Archie Head to Work

Mark and son Archie have an 8 mile commute by bike to work. “He loves the top bar seat as he can constantly ask me questions along the way!” Love the stylish helmet and boots Archie!