
What to Wear: Bike Commuting Clothing Essentials

What to wear is a question with many answers when it comes to bike commuting. There are many circumstances to consider, including how long your ride is, what kind of changing and/or shower facilities are available at your destination, and what type of weather you’ll experience on your commute. For some resplendently dressed professionals with…

Yearly Bike Fenders

A very common keyword that brings people to Commute By Bike is, fenders. Those plastic, metal or wooden sheets that wrap around your wheel or clip on to your seatpost. Protecting you and sometimes your bicycle from wet roads, grime and slush. A well installed full coverage fender will keep the rain out of your…

The Ride of Silence: Let the Silence Roar

Every year, on the third Wednesday of May, thousands of cyclists across the world take to the streets to honor fellow riders who have been injured or killed while cycling. This event is known as the Ride of Silence, and it is a powerful way to use cycling as a statement. We have defined utility…

London Cyclist : May Round Up

This roundup is provided by Andreas from London Cyclist. Monthly, we are asking for roundups from your city, town or state area. Email us if you would like to contribute. In London the so called “cycling revolution” is taking its first initial baby steps. We had the announcement that the London Cycle Hire Scheme which…

Road I.D for Commuters

In the Charlotte, NC area there has been a large increase of car and bike accidents..   While my rant for this topic will be held off for another topic, I started to fear for not only my safety but many hard questions came to mind. What would happen if I was in the middle of…

5 Year Anniversary

It’s Commute By Bike’s Five Year Anniversary.   5 years ago we launched this website, prior to the commuter craze and movement in the bicycle industry. Before May comes to a close I wanted to take a moment and thank each of our readers for a solid 5 years of readership. More importantly, thank you for…

E-Bikes on ABC's Good Morning America

This article is part of our on going “E-Bike Wednesday“ series.   Every Wednesday we will be touching on something in the electric bike industry in hopes to clear up any e-bike questions or concerns you have. In honor of National Bike to Work Day the well received, Good Morning America, had a special on electric…

Wrap Up of Flagstaff's Bike-To-Work Week

With our big move over the previous weekend, we were a bit preoccupied to have been an active supporter of this year’s Bike-To-Work week here in Flagstaff. That being said, we certainly participated. Being in our new downtown location, we are now in a much better location for everyone to be able to easily ride…

The Big Move

It’s been a whirlwind over the last two weeks and the dust is just starting to clear enough for me to settle down and report on what we’ve been up to. The mountain we were up against was moving our office, inventory and shop from our crammed in shop (1000 square feet) in East Flagstaff…

John's Wheelchair Revisioned as Bike Trailer

John sent us images of his bike trailer that he fashioned over the weekend from an old wheelchair. Recycling and DIY mixed together are always great to see. From John’s blog Hacking 5hit: “It started as two pieces of 1/2″emt (electrical conduit, $1.80ea @ Lowe’s), an old wheelchair discovered in a pile of junk behind…

BikeUMentary : A UCLA Transportation Documentary

A short film documentary from UCLA Transportation and the Sustainable Resource Center. Within this short film they talk to a few different bike commuters in the LA area. Each user gives the advantages of choosing a bike for transportation, tips for how to get started and on safety. Two thumbs up for a 5 minute…

Win a Bowery Lane Bicycle

There is a contest going on over at MB (shortened for PG-13 readership) to win a Bowery Lane Bicycle..   The contest is simple, take a bike themed photo that MB can use for their header on their website.   If they pick you, you win a new bike! The contest is inspired by New York City’s…

E-Bike 101

A guest article by James Thomas of BicycleDesign. If you visit cycling websites on a regular basis, you have probably noticed at least a few references to electric bikes lately. New e-bike designs have been popping up in greater numbers at the various bike tradeshows, and electric bikes from companies like Lexus and Volkswagen have…

Bike Month Updates

We would like to hear from you how National Bike Month is changing your area of the United States.   Are there more rides and events? Better advocacy or club meetings? In Charlotte we had a two week event, Bike Charlotte, where various clubs and bike shops put on events and rides.   There were more bike…