Commute by Bike

Fight Road Rash with a Good Headlight

Fight Road Rash with a Good Headlight

Matthew D. Johnson, Ph.D. is the director of the Marriage and Family Studies Laboratory and formerly the deputy to the president of Binghamton University, blah de blah blah… He’s my brother. Sounds like a smart guy, huh? Like I said, he’s my brother. Decide for yourself. –Ted I have been thinking about the advantages of…

A2B Metro E-Basket

I wasn’t really using this basket to carry laundry. But zip tying on the back of the A2B Metro’s bike rack was a convenient place to get it home to where it was needed. I think there is an interesting collision of junk, tetchiness and consumer products in this photo bending in tones of grey.

RideKick Trailers and

With the launch of, we are becoming quite familiar with electric bike and electric assist kits. Another direction in electric that we’ve always been interested especially given our roots with BikeTrailerShop.comhas been electric powered bike trailers. The idea of having an electric push from a bike trailer has intrigued us from multiple perspectives. It… Grand Opening and Sale!

We’re incredibly excited to be announcing the launch of our fourth specialty cycling accessory shop,! is a shop that will be dedicated to all things with circuitry that go on a bike. At the top of the list are bike lights, electric bikes and GPS systems. But a big part of what inspires…

Thom's New Uses for the Wandertec BONGO Trailer

Here is an interesting adaptation of our in-house built bike trailer, the Wandertec BONGO. We designed this trailer with modification and customization in mind. It is a great platform for quite a few different uses. And it always seems that there are more unique uses for it. Using it for transporting a wheelchair behind a…

Masahiro's Xtracycle in a Japanese Park

A customer from Japan sent us in this photo of his Xtracycle out for its first test ride, outfitted with the Flight Deck and Pannier Racks. We’ve heard and seen with increased sales that Xtracycle’s are becoming quite a hit in Japan in recent years. In Masahiro’s words: When doing a test ride to the…

Scare Your Coworkers: Commute by Bike

Scare Your Coworkers: Commute by Bike

Hey bike commuters! Want to scare your coworkers? Keep doing what you’re doing. I came to work today… [dramatic pause] … on a bicycle! Mwahahahahahah!!! You know, because ridiculing their fear of cycling just might work. Or you might be able to get away with it because it’s Halloween. Or if, like me, you work…

Batman's Bike Trailer

Batman, who apparently also moonlights as a keyboardist, sent in this photo of his bike trailer setup. I’m guessing that the somewhat blurry, dark photo was taken as Batman was jumping on his bike to chase after a criminal in between gigs. Or perhaps it was intentionally blurry to hide some of its alternative crime…

Axiom Spark Headlight and Tail Light

Axiom Spark Headlight and Tail Light

Nathan Friedman specializes in living the good life and making it look easy. Mountain biking all summer and skiing all winter, Nate is a rock star of the outdoor opportunities in the Southwest. To get some inspiration on living life to the fullest, check out his blog, Handlebar Sandwich. I’ve had the chance to review…

Report from Pedalfest

A Report from Pedalfest! 2011

Shawn Kielty is a Software Engineer, Artist, Photographer, and avid outdoor enthusiast, enjoying cycling and other human powered travel. Travel stories from on his blog Flat Tire Paradise amuse, entertain, and encourage readers to get outside and have some fun. A friend and I went out to Jack London Square in Oakland, California on Saturday…

Designing An Innovative Bicycle Helmet

Designing an Innovative Bicycle Helmet

Ruben Hekkens is a graduate student at the Delft University of Technology, in Delft, Netherlands. As a masters project, he is developing a “lifestyle bicycle helmet for use in urban environments.” Because very few urban cyclists in Holland wear helmets, Ruben sees an opportunity. It reminded me of an old marketing parable of two shoe…

The Female Facts of Life

The Female Facts of Life

I am a female cyclist. As a female cyclist, I do have to deal with one of the inevitable facts of being a woman approximately every twenty-eight days. However, considering how this fact of life affects transportation cyclists who lack the Y chromosome had never occurred to me until my editor sent me a link…

Surly Troll Tractoring the Big Time Fun Trailer

The theme for this weeks posts seems to be followups on previously submitted bike trailer posts. Last week I posted quite a few images of Steve’s innovative jumbo trailer. He sent in a few more images showing the rig he set up to haul his wagon around with. Appropriately enough, he’s got a new Surly…