
Bike Fest Downtown

MARQUETTE – Bikes will take the place of automobiles in downtown Marquette Friday night as the streets are transformed into a race course for the Superior Bike Fest Downtown Twilight Criterium. Streets will be closed to automobile traffic at 2:30 p.m. for pre-race preparations. The race will begin at 6 p.m. Merchants will offer special…

Bike Arlington

Bike Arlington is an initiative of Arlington County, Virginia – where people have many options for moving about their community. Ultimately, Bike Arlington is an effort to build on an existing partnership between Arlington citizens, businesses and County staff to encourage more people to bike more often. To find out more, go to Bike Arlington.

Hundreds Ride to Work

Diane Wildfang, front, co-owner of the Rochester Hotel, sits on one of the hotel’s nine new Electra cruiser bicycles on Wednesday during Durango’s Bike to Work Day event at Buckley Park. The hotel bought the bicycles to encourage its employees to ride to work. Guests at the hotel also can use the cruisers when employees…

Bike Friendly City?

Welcome to Corvallis! There were a few more bicycles locked to the rack outside the Downtown Fire Station on Monday as the Corvallis City Council met for its noon meeting. But even on days when the city isn’t being recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a Bicycle Friendly Community, there are lots of…

West Vail man is 'commuter of the year'

VAIL – Tim “TC” Carlson, a ski instructor and contractor from West Vail who rides to work in the winter and summer, has been named bike commuter of the year by ECO Transit. Carlson rides his road bike in the summer, but in the winter he rides a 20-year-old Diamond Back mountain bike with rust…

Do You Have What It Takes?

We’re looking for a few good men and women that want to be featured as the “Commuter of the Week.” If you are a commuter and would like to share your story, hit us up and make sure you include your bio, your commute info, and a picture. Email us today!

Why Bike to Work?

This site is great! It teaches you all the things you may want to know about commuting and cycling in general. Riding to work costs less than driving or taking transit, especially if you already own a bike. Cycling allows you to stay in shape while you commute. A five-mile, one-way commute burns 300 calories…


ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS about modern derailleur drivetrains is that they’re easily fine-tuned should the need arise. How do you know? Usually, the symptom that tips you off that adjustment is needed is hesitation during shifts. You click the shifter but the chain doesn’t quite engage the next gear the way it used to….

Wheelin to Work

StandardNet Commuting by bicycle not only eliminates many of those expensive car fill-ups, it’s also one of the most patriotic things you can do, according to Ogden orthopedic surgeon Jeff Harrison. “I think it’s a very patriotic thing to use your bike for transportation, to lessen our dependence on foreign oil,” Harrison said. Granted, using…

What Type of Bike?

Ever wonder what type of bike you should use to commute? Some say use a road bike because you can get to your destination faster, other say use a mountain bike to absorb all of the street’s punishments. However, there are a few of us that use a Hybrid bike to commute. I found a…

Bicyclist tries to dispel fears of commuting

When Phil Lammers tells new acquaintances he rides his bike to work every day – in sun, rain or even snow – some think he’s Superman. Others think he’s crazy. Lammers insists he’s neither. He’s just a guy who tried it on a lark about 28 years ago and liked it so much that he…

Train Them Young!

Youngsters eager to participate in the series of tests designed to sharpen bike-riding skills sat in the front pews. A few probably prayed for sunshine as Cpls. David Butler and Robert Capizzi from the Collier County Sheriff’s Office demonstrated bike safety first. Butler explained that a helmet is the most important piece of safety equipment….

For residents, better bicycling may be near

Bicyclists deserve paths and bike lanes that are safe and will get them where they want to go. The Rock River Valley has wonderful paths, but they are better suited for a leisurely Sunday ride than a means of traveling to work, shopping or entertainment venues. Bikes as transportation are becoming more important as people…

Love Thy LBS.

As cyclists we have a love/hate relationship with our LBS (Local Bike Shop). We hate them because we think that they are nickel and diming us when we compare their prices with the super cycling stores and the web/mail order stores. We love them because we know that we get personalized service and most of…

Open Letter To Drivers by Ms. Lauren Cooper

An Open Letter To Drivers Dear Driver: Over 40 million Americans, young and old, want to bicycle on public roads. Sadly, many are afraid to do so, in large part because drivers sometimes squeeze past them too closely. Even though most drivers don’t mean any harm, this frightening and illegal behavior has scared millions of…

McDonald's Selling Bikes?

McDonald’s Corp. (MCD) will begin selling skateboards and bikes bearing the fast-food company’s brand in a new effort to get kids to burn off burgers and fries with exercise. The McKids (search) branded outdoor play equipment will be rolled out internationally later this year and in 2006. A few McKids items are already sold at…