A little bit of Fall is coming into the air which brings to mind a shifting of the season for us. This means a few things for us. First off we are preparing for our sales to taper off and for our to shift towards ramping up our efforts on our website content and configuration….
Utility Cycling While Traveling
For most seasoned utility cyclists, it is generally easy to be a utility cyclist at home. You know the roads, you know where you are going, you know the best routes, you know where to grab a bite to eat or a coffee, you know where to get groceries. You have every detail figured out…
The Bike Commuting Green Dot
Today’s Guest Post is brought to you from Renaissance Bicycles. A very cool company bringing heritage and craftsmanship of bicycles with today’s latest technology. This is a re-post from their own blog, with their permission. Seth Godin, the author and social media marketing maven, is one of the most interesting and relevant people on the…
Chariot + Strider = Awesome!
The Bike Kid Shop has decided to make an offer that can’t be refused. We all know that Chariot child trailers are some of the best child trailers on the market. They are the BMW of child trailers, with all the attention to detail and performance that will make any child smile and any parent…
One Wheel Vs Two Wheels : Bicycle Trailers
Bicycle trailers are fast becoming a viable transportation option in the face of the changing energy scheme. With that, many calls are received at CampfireCycling headquarters about the basics of trailer design. One of the more frequent considerations when selecting a trailer is the wheel count. Are you better off with a one wheel bike…
The Riveting World of Cycling Legislation
Reading about legislation is generally only slightly more exciting than watching paint dry, but there are some pieces of knowledge that are important for all utility cyclists to understand to ride safely. First, I should point out that laws pertaining to cyclists on the road vary from state to state. As with automobile traffic codes,…
Bike Trailer at Work Helping Local Food Share Program
A local food share program in Burlington, Vermont has incorporated bicycle trailers into their food distribution. Intervale Food Hub began as a research project of the Intervale Center in 2007. The goal was to identify the existing barriers and opportunities to increasing local food production and consumption, and to find appropriate solutions for “moving local…
BikeTrailerShop.com Trailer Sale
A sponsor of the site, BikeTrailerShop.com & BikeKidShop.com has a trailer sale ending today. A bit late, but with our topic this week of bicycle trailers it really fits in well.
State of the Hub
I’ve decided to take a stab at a new practice this week by doing my first of what I hope to be a weekly summary of our business activities and developments. I’ve decided to post this here on our blog at Campfire Cycling both for our customers and our team, internal and external. Whether or…
Styles of Bicycle Cargo Trailers : Introduction
Since we’ve had the Burley Travoy in for review I’ve received several emails about styles and recommendations for different applications. This week I’ll do my best to present different styles of trailers and the pros or cons of all.
Political Activism by Bike
Using their bodies and their bicycles, groups of people all over the world organize and pedal to support and defend a multitude of political causes. Riding a bicycle for transportation, for deliveries and for recreation is an obvious solution to many of society’s most considerable issues, and political activism through bicycles has become more prevalent…
Cateye TL-LD570 Reflex Auto Light : Preview
A new light was recently released, the Reflex Auto TL-LD570, from Cateye. What is so unique about the light? It turns itself on and off utilizing optic and motion sensors. If this system really works, I’ll save myself a handful of batteries per year by leaving my light on at night when I leave the…
New Xtracycle Products for 2010
Xtracycle is a name that has long been associated with utility cycling. With the introduction of the FreeRadical, the longtail movement was born. Now, Xtracycle is a household name, associated with putting your car keys down and putting your bike helmet on. The longtail revolution has become a not-so-uncommon scene on city streets with specialty…
Analysis of Google's Bike-There Feature: Part III
Over the past few months, I have been slowly putting together a series on the new Google Bike-There Feature, which was released in March of 2010. Part I of the series reviewed the overall application, how it works, and some of its advantages and disadvantages. Part II discussed various online options for mapping bike routes…
Tri Modal Bicycle Commute
Recently, as of three weeks ago, I took a new position back in the marketing arena. You can read more about this over at Bike Shop Girl but the most important thing for you all to know is changes are being made across all the sites that will benefit you, the reader, the most. Hence…
Our Final Chariot and Croozer Sale of 2010!
Now through August 24 the Bike Kid Shop will be running our final Chariot and Croozer child trailer sale for 2010. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get your child in one of the best child trailers available. All Chariot and Croozer trailers will be an additional 10% off including 10% all accessories as well….
Final Chariot and Croozer Sale of 2010
Here at the Bike Kid Shop we a super excited about Chariot Child trailers, we think they are great. In fact we think there so great that we want everyone to have the chance to enjoy the style, performance and comfort that Chariot is know for. That’s why now through August 24 the Bike Kid…
48 Hours in Austin
Austin, Texas has beckoned me for many years in the form of a college friend who has made Austin her home. And in those years, the only footprints I’ve left in Texas have been carbon–airport layovers, and marathon road trips (where the state was regarded as an enormous obstacle between me and my ultimate destination)….
Urban Trails and Bike Paths, Safe Alternatives or Hidden Perils?
For many utility (and recreational) cyclists, urban trails and paved bike paths are a welcome alternative to riding and commuting on the street with motor traffic. Bike paths can provide worry-free riding away from the woes of unaware motorists. As a child, I first learned how to ride a bike on the local paved bike…
Open discussion: Bike Panniers or Bike Trailers?
Here at the Campfire Cycling we love both bike panniers and bike trailers for our commuting and touring needs. Some of us swing more to one side then the other, but we want to know which one you prefer and why? Check out this article we wrote awhile back discussing this very dilemma, Panniers VS….