
Smith Optics

Just recently Smith Optics have partnered up with Commute By Bike. They sent us the Theory and Threshold to review. What I like about Smith is that they offer a Limited Lifetime Warranty and a boat load of products to fit your needs. Not only that, but they sponsor some of the biggest names in…

Singlespeed Cyclocross Build Part I

We received an Ibex X-ray Cyclocross frame from our partners at to build. If you have seen my Redline Monocog Build, this build will be similar as well. We are building a Singlespeed Cyclocross Commuting Machine. Building this bike as an SS will keep the cost down, and will make the build off simpler….

Commuters trade the gas pedal for bike pedals

Matt Rawlings, 20, a junior Information Science major at the University of Pittsburgh, rides his bicycle on Forbes Ave. in Oakland. Stephen Wreschnig gets up every morning and commutes to work, like most people do. But, like a growing number of people, he doesn’t drive. He spends an hour riding his bicycle 10 miles from…

These Urban Cyclists Know When to Fold 'Em

Courtesy of the NY Times: NEW JERSEY TRANSIT doesn’t let riders wheel their bicycles onto trains during peak travel hours. But that’s not a problem for Stacey Bhaerman, who on most weekday mornings catches a train to Manhattan from New Brunswick, N.J. She just folds her red bicycle into a compact bundle the size of…

Where Price is the the Point!

Our newest Partner, recently sent us a few “Price Point” brand of shirts and shorts. They are the Men’s and Women’s Classic jerseys and Epic Shorts. You can see more brand clothing by visiting the SITE.

WANTED: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

Commute By Bike is recruiting! We’re looking for ONE and only ONE person that can jump on board the Commute By Bike Team! So you’re probably scratching your head and saying to yourself…”Hmm I wonder what it takes to be part of Commute By Bike?” Well son, today is your lucky day! Here are some…

Just incase your kids have a Harley Davidson BMX

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and World Wide Cycle Supply are recalling about 25,000 Harley Davidson BMX bikes. The forks on the 16-inch wheel bikes can separate at the weld. World Wide Cycle Supply has received 15 reports of such breakages, including six reports involving injuries to the face, hands and mouth of the…

Biking to work picks up speed

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays Kevin Hainchek from the swift completion of his morning bike commute — as long as the snow is light and the rain hasn’t actually started. “I’ve ridden with 15-below wind chill. I’ll ride in single digits,” he said. “I’ll ride if it snows lightly….

First Commute

Today Tim and I met at the SunTrust bank up from my house at 6AM to commute to work. I was on the Woodstock 505 and Tim rode the Ibex Ignition 3. It was the first time either of us had ridden to work on an actual work day. We actually commuted to our local…

Master Lock, Street Smart Security

We’ve Partnered up with the Industry’s leading lock manufacturer, Master Lock. They’ve sent us the Street Cuff to review. Here are the specs: Ratcheting cuffs provide snug, secure fit-no room for jacks or pry bars. 3″ inside-diameter cuffs allow locking to fence posts and new, oversized parking meters being installed in some cities. Pivot Link-…

Commute By Trikke?

Who would have known that the Trikke could be used for commuting? Well that’s what we’re here to find out. The wonderful folks at Trikke asked us to review the Trikke 8 and see how she does on a commute. We’ve asked our good friend Kevin, former professional trainer and Division 1 Wrestler to use…

Lizard Skins Grips and Gloves

Our new Partner, Lizard Skins sent us the new Logo Lock-On Grips with the Statement Video and the New Lizard Blizzard Glove-Cold Weather Wear to review. Stay tuned for the review! You can find more information on products from Lizard Skin’s Site.

Allen Racks 144A

Our new friends at Allen Racks have send us the new 144A Rack to review. It’s a pretty heavy duty trunk mount rack that can hold up to 4 bikes or 140lbs! Here are the specs: ” Fits Sedans, Hatchbacks, Minivans & SUV’s. ” Single configuration design eliminates headaches during set up and installation. ”…

Bend's growth prompts rethinking commuting

In a steadily growing city with a shortage of downtown parking and an ever-increasing number of cars on the road, alternative forms of transportation may seem like a good idea. At least Jeff Monson seems to think so. The executive director of the Bend agency Commute Options works with area businesses to encourage workers to…

Biking to work picks up speed

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays Kevin Hainchek from the swift completion of his morning bike commute — as long as the snow is light and the rain hasn’t actually started. “I’ve ridden with 15-below wind chill. I’ll ride in single digits,” he said. “I’ll ride if it snows lightly….

Gennuine Innovations-Co2 Inflation Kits

We’ve partnered up with Genuine Innovations, the leader in CO2 Inflation. They sent us the “Deluxe Tire Repair & Inflation Wallet.” (Thanks Kelly!) Here’s the Specs on the Kit: Ultraflate Plus inflator comes with three 16g non threaded Genuine Innovations CO2 refill cartridges, Small Patch Kit, and two tire levers -€  plus a 3.5″ x…

More Reasons Why to Commute By Bike

Gasoline futures surged and crude prices rose Thursday, with U.S. plans to tap strategic reserves to counter Hurricane Katrina’s destruction doing little to ease concern about damage to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. Analysts warned the damage to the region’s oil industry could take time to remedy. Light sweet crude for October delivery on…

Gas prices top $3 a gallon

Three-dollar-a-gallon gas is here, just in time to hammer consumers for the Labor Day weekend. Spurred by concerns over pipelines and refineries that have closed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and pressured by the demands of holiday travelers, regular unleaded was selling for $2.99 per gallon at some Council Bluffs stations this morning, with…

Ibex Trophy 770

The great folks at Ibex Bicycles sent us the new Trophy 770 to review. The 770 is pretty clean. It’s laced with some cool Shimano components, Avid mechanical disc brakes and my favorite feature on the bike, the Marzocchi EXR Pro Air. I took the 770 out just around the neigborhood and found it to…

Giatex Sport Stretching bike review

We got a Giatex Sport 20″ from to ride around and review. This bike is unique because unlike the other portable bikes, this bike is a stretchable bike. The frame can be stretched to suit the rider. This unique system also allows the bike to be compressed/stretched in about 10 seconds. This bike was…