
Don't Make It About The Bike

Don't Make It About The Bike

Lately I’ve been walking to work more often than biking. I realized recently that if I just walk our two dogs (Howard and Skully) to work with me, it takes less time than when I walk them first, leave them at home, and then commute by bike. (It’s a 35-minute walk commute vs. a 25-minute…

Nuno's Muddy BOB-Aided Adventure: Round Two

Nuno has been busy touring his home country of Portugal by bike.   Last time he checked in he was busy BOB-ing the local National Park, wine in tow.   Nuno’s most recent adventure took him and his trusty BOB from Entroncamento to Castelo de Bode – an approximate 20 mi. (30 km) ride.   “The weather was…

Scott's Trailer-Cycle Build

Another inventive Burley Trailer-Cycle / Adams Trail-A-Bike inspired build! Here is Scott’s version: I modified a Bob Yak trailer fork to use as a trail-a-bike attachment which allows my son to ride next to me on the trails, then I can re-attach him when we get to busier areas. I’ll be adding some pannier racks…

1979's 'Americathon' Depicted a Bike-Friendly America

I’ve never seen this movie, but 1979’s Americathon depicted a 1998 “future” America where the USA has run out of oil, and Americans have begun riding bicycles for transportation. Yet it’s apparently not a future that the country chose by redesigning and tweaking infrastructure, and consciously changing transportation and energy policies. It seems as though…

Leslie & John's Thoughts on Ortlieb

We’re always happy to hear from our customers, and we’d love to see photos from the trip. Thanks Leslie and John! And enjoy your tour! Hi everyone at Campfire Cycling,John and I are putting together our gear for a month’s bike ride around Ireland. We ordered the Ortlieb Classic Rollers (rear) panniers and couldn’t be…

David's "Little Red Trailer"

In David’s own words: About six years ago I decided I would turn the resources of my display business towards making affordable cargo trailers during off-peak times. The next idea was to try to make them out of as much recycled material as possible. After thinking “how hard could it be?” I spent the next…

Modifying the Bionx Default Settings

Via E-mail: I bike currently on a Trek 700 Navigator 2011 with BionX G2 controller. This bike has an adjusted speed of 25 km/h in Europe. I would like to increase the speed to 35-40 km/h. What opportunities do I have with my current set or what is needed to achieve this adaptation. With…

Led Astray by the Google Gal

Led Astray by the Google Gal

Over two years ago, Google Maps added bicycling navigation directions to the application for Android smartphones. At first it was pretty buggy, and one of the complaints was it generated more automobile routes than bicycling routes. For that reason, I put off testing it and it just fell off my to-do radar. I used Google…

Tim's Electric Bike Trailers

Electric boost bike trailers are pretty awesome. We especially dig the Ridekick, which makes hills less daunting and carrying cargo easy on the legs. Tim is also manufacturing his own version, pictured below. As he puts it, “The surging cost of gasoline and a desire for a greener commute are turning more and more people…

"AdBicy" Man-Powered Advertising Trailer

Advertise-by-bike! We’re already big fans of the Advert Trailer by Extrawheel. BizzOnWheels sent us their alternative: The AdBicy. According to Bizz (May we call you Bizz?), the AdBicy is perfect for “reaching the busiest pedestrian areas (tactical positioning of the mobile banners).” To be fair, the AdBicy cycling team does look pretty tactical.

Leaving Las Vegas. What the...!?

Not Just Another Interbike Photo Dump

It’s been a week — a week! — since Josh Lipton and I got home from the annual North-American bike trade show known as Interbike with a wheelbarrow full of business cards, hundreds of photographs, and a bit of swag too. Think of this as not just another Interbike photo dump, but a foreshadowing of…

Nat's Kid-Powered Bike Train

Celebrate the first days of autumn by going for a nice long bike ride with your children — all of them. Nat attached a child trailer to his daughter’s trailer-cycle which is attached to his own bike. The result: Bike Train! Not to be confused with our recently reported Aussie Road Train bike and trailer….