
2010 Utility Cycling Year in Review

On December 31, 2009, we published the first ever Utility Cycling Year in Review. At the time, Utility Cycling was actually only one 1/2 year old, but we had enough material to warrant a review nonetheless. Now, another year has passed, and Utility Cycling is continuing to grow and evolve, so we wanted to step…

Commute by Bike's Top 10 from 2010

2010 was a big year for Commute by Bike. I thought we’d wrap up with a list of the top posts from the year. Coming up with the top ten wasn’t easy to do. Sure, we know how many people have visited each page, but posts from early in the year have had a head…

"The Great Debate" Goes Mainstream?

It’s a good thing that more stakeholders are now being drawn into the discussion, right? Or does it carry the risk that the media’s reductive tendencies will paint the various sides of the debate into grotesque caricatures, such as equating cycling infrastructure to a “war on cars?”

'If you can dress to ski you can dress to be a winter cyclist' (Roundup)

Ask yourself: Can a politician love cycling infrastructure too much? Got your answer? Are you sure? Now watch this: That’s Marty Markowitz, the Borough President of Brooklyn, New York City. [Via Bike Blog NYC] Apparently lots of local politicians showed up to associate themselves with the “new” multi-use tunnel just opened in Sonoma County, CA….

Analyzing Cyclist Behavior with Velo'v Bike Share

Earlier this month, an interesting preliminary study was released from France detailing cyclist behavior with data collected from the Velo’v bike share system in Lyon, France. The Velo’v bike sharing system is a very extensive system with approximately 4000 bicycles available at 343 stations around the city of Lyon. For the most part, the Velo’v…