The Lincolnshire Police Department is rewarding kids who wear helmets and ride safely with “Ice Cream Citations” good for a free child size scoop of Ice Cream from MaggieMoo’s a local Ice Cream eatery. With over 500,000 bicycle riders injured each year in bicycle accidents, this partnership between the Lincolnshire Police and MaggieMoo’s Ice Cream and Treatery will help reinforce helmet use and general bicycle safety. Each citation is added to a Safe Summer 2005 Grand Prize Drawing for new Giant Boulder SE bicycles and other great prizes.
Local Giant dealers, Deerfield Cyclery in Deerfield , IL and Bicycle & Choo Choo Connection in Schaumberg , IL are working together with Giant to provide the grand prize bicycles, one for a boy and one for a girl. This is a tremendous way to promote bicycle safety, helmet use and positively reinforce the relationship of local law enforcement agencies and local businesses.
For more information contact Lincolnshire Police Officer Adam Hyde at ahyde@village.lincolnshire.il.us