This past weekend Priscilla (my wife) and I entered the 14th annual Mt. Sac Fall Fat Tire Classic in Walnut Ca. Unfortunately our buddy Moe couldn’t participate in the race due to a knee injury. But he was cool enough to show up and take pictures for us. Thanks Moe!
The race consisted of a 7 mile loop complete with tough single track, crazy downhills and cows. Yes, I said cows…Part of the race course went through a cow pasture and what are cows known for other than their milk? Cow Patties! Our tires and bikes were covered in that yummy filth by the end.
I entered in the beginner class-25-29 and Priscilla was in the beginner women 27-44. I had to complete 2 laps while Priscilla only had to complete 1 lap.

Priscilla rode the Ibex Trophy 770.

I rode my handy dandy Giant Warp with all the sweet hook ups.

As soon as the buzzer went off for us to go, Priscilla and I pounced on the competition. Well not really. We just made sure we had a good start.

Priscilla had a few incidents such as a flat and a few knee scrapers, but as you can see from the picture, she was still having fun. Kinda like a drunk at a bar.

Other than the trail being as tough as it was, we had a great time. I’d like to give props to my wife Priscilla on her taking on the challenge of the race. She didn’t even train for it, she pretty much made up her mind last night whether to enter or not. Good Job babe!
We found out the results for the race and I came in at 7th out of 10 and Priscilla came in 6th out of 6. Our goal was not necessarily to win, but to have fun and finish the race. We accomplished both!