This past weekend as I mentioned before, Priscilla and I entered a XC Mtn bike race. Priscilla rode her favorite bike, the Ibex Trophy 770 for the event.

Here’s what she had to say about the Trophy 770:
This past weekend I had the privilege of hitting the trail with the Ibex Trophy. Boy did I give my baby a work out at the race. This bike has proven to be a favorite for me. The light frame of 770 bike keeps me coming back for more. It is excellent for climbing the steep terrain and it helped too when it was time to drag my bike back up the side of the hill after a few of those nasty falls. That’s always a plus!
I think the Trophy was a smooth ride, considering the bumpiness of the trail. I thought it did a good job of absorbing what the trail dished out. I would recommend this bike to those who like the advantages of a light body frame. It could only help improve a persons speed on the dirt. All in all, to my surprise, the bike stood strong after all the abuse. It’s definitely a keeper!!!!

For more info on the specs of the Ibex Trophy 770, check out their SITE!