For a while we were in talks with Strida to see if we could review their foldable bike. But as you haven’t seen, they decided to pass on us testing the bike. Other than that, check out what’s going on with them.

Brit inventor transfers folding tech innovation to Taiwanese bike maker
In order to bring the tech development to market, Strida designer Mark Sanders has transferred the intellectual property rights and know-how for a folding bicycle technology -€œ for bikes with full-sized wheels – to Ming Cycle of Taiwan.
The tech innovation will be brought to market next year, said Sanders, but he would not reveal the exact nature of the “revolutionary” development.All he would say was that it “allows bicycles with full sized wheels to be folded very quickly, without tools or dismantling, into very compact and portable sizes.”
Ming Cycle, produces 2+million bicycles a year, including 200 000 folding bikes last year, the triangular Stida3 among them.
Ming produces bicycles for Mongoose, Carrefour, Decathlon, Jeep and Pacific Cycle.