I’m sure you’ve been bombarded with all sorts of requests from the cyclist in your family. Moe has posted some great gift ideas in the past few days that should help. Well here’s my list of awesome gift ideas!
Xootr Swift: Perfect for any rider that wants the feel of a road bike but the storage convenience of a foldable

Ibex Trophy 770: This is a great bike. Priscilla even used it for her first race!

Video Bike Repair DVD: This is the gift that keeps giving. You literally save hundreds of dollars a year by doing all your own repairs and this DVD shows you how to do that!

This is actually Priscilla’s suggestion:
Terry Bicycles Commuter Skort: Check out her Review. She just loves them! They are perfect for the female rider in your life.

If you’re still not sure what to get your cycling relative, then check out the many products that our Partners offer.