I have passed the 100 mile mark on the Urban X. I’m happy to report that this bike has surpassed my expectations. The only thing that I had to change was the saddle. After 70 miles, I was not able to get used to it. I’m used to saddles with ‘love channels’ and the ‘Brooks Style’ saddle does not feature one. I also swapped the pedals for my dual platform (spd/platform), nothing wrong with the stock pedals, I’m just used to clipless pedals.
I have become used to the harsher ride of the high pressure tires as well, the trade off is that I have shaved 6 minutes off my daily commute due to the faster tires.
As for maintenance goes, cables usually stretch after being ‘broken in’, a simple adjustment to the rear derailleur took care of the mishifting attributed to the cables. I’ve done nothing else to the bike.