So there I was sitting at my desk thinking….
Gee, in the past year we’ve covered quite a bit of commuter related info. Things about the rules of the road, using an IPOD while riding, fixing things, industry news, product reviews, how to’s and many more.
Which brings me to my point, what would commuters really want to know about?
Well, you tell me. Leave us a comment on what subjects you’d like to learn more about and we’ll do all the leg work for you and post some sort or article or something.
Or if you have some sort of subject you’re purdy gu’d bout’ then let us know. For example, I LOVE and KNOW buffets. So I could post about what makes buffet good. But since this is a commuter site, eating at buffets don’t really count.
Another subject I’m purdy darn gu’d bout’ is pier fishing. Well to be honest Randy was the one that taught me how to pier fish. But anyhow, I’m so gu’d that I could talk all about how using one hook is better than using a sabiki rig and how you should use squid first to catch your bait, then use a fresh fish as bait to get bigger fish.
See, how simple that was? I gave you some tips on how to pier fish. Well, that’s what we’re looking for. We want to hear what matters to you, the commuter.