High-Intensity LED bike light with NiMH Battery for extensive All Terrain riding and commuting

As a product reviewer for Commute By Bike, I am providing my unbiased opinion of any products provided to us by any company. I do not posses any type of relationship with the products company or parent companies. I am not compensated in any way by companies that send in their goods to be reviewed.
Testing Grounds:
Fullerton Loop Ca., Big Bear Ca. Southridge Fontana, Ca., Mt. Sac Fat Tire Classic, and the streets of Orange County Ca.
About Me:
I like beer, bikes and buffets. I am your typical weekend warrior and occasional racer. I look for the same things as most guys would in bikes and accessories, “as long as it works and its affordable!”
Product Tested:
Cygolite Hi Flux 200 HID Light

First Impressions and Comments:

Summary:I enjoyed using the Hi Flux 200 because the ease of use, brightness and long battery life. I’ve used the Hi Flux 200 in various lighting conditions from riding in the street during sunset to pitch black trail riding. Each time that I have used the light, it has never disappointed me in its performance.
The Hi Flux is so bright, that not only can motorist see you (super important) but you can also see where you’re going. I used these lights doing the Ride of Silence and they lit up the road well enough for others to follow my path.
Would I recommend it? Yes I would recommend the light for the fact that the batteries have a long run time and the light it emits is friggin’ bright! The price is pretty reasonable especially compared to some of the other LED lights that are available out there.
Price: Ranging from $99.00-$130.00 (depending on where you buy it.)
For more info check out Cygolite HERE.