Everyone knows that what you eat or drink could effect how your body performs. Today, I found out how a couple of hard hitting nights of drinking took a toll on my body. It all started Friday afternoon when a few friends came over. Once that beer touched my lips, I knew that I was in trouble because I haven’t eaten all day. The drunk fest officially started. Both drinks and shots were passed around one after the other. Most as kids have played Chutes and Ladders. We played the adult version called Shooters and Ladders. I’m telling you, that thing is wicked. It’s one of those games that you could make up drinking rules as you go. Let me put it this way, two of my buddies had to quit half way through the game. One went home to pray to the porcelain god. While the other was taken out of the game because he was getting too drunk. Rookies! Can’t take them anywhere. Friday night turned into Saturday. It ended around 4:30 in the morning. Twelve hours later, I had to go to a buddy’s house and watch UFC 60. He wanted us there early enough so that we could throw some stuff on the grill. Needless to say, drinking was involved. Those UFC fans that didn’t get to watch it missed a lot. It was close to 2:00 am when I finally hit the bed.

I got up around 6:00 and decided to ride my bike and sweat all the liquor out of me. At the time, it sounded like a good idea. But I instantly found that this would be a painful ride. My stomach was turning over, legs were burning, heart pounding faster than normal, and I just couldn’t catch my breath. It felt as if I were going up a steep hill the whole time. I was definately tired so much faster. Being dehydrated just made matters worse. It took a while but finally caught my second wind and started enjoying the ride.
Along the way I came across several types of animals. They were pretty cool so I took some pictures to share. I felt like I was Ace Ventura Pet Detective. Besides, how often do you ride and come across these.

I saw a couple of shadows on the path that wasn’t supposed to be there.

Here’s a closer look.

We spent about five minutes just staring at each other. It was an awesome feeling. I wasn’t sure who was watching whom. Even if it hurt in the beginning, I am glad that I went out this morning. This is one ride that I enjoyed and would not forget.