The great folks of Xtracycle sent us the Free Radical Kit to test out. I converted Moe’s Kona Smoke into a Sport Utility Bicycle (S.U.B.) but I think the proper name would be “Super Useful Bicycle”
Here’s what they say about the Xtracycle:
“The FreeRadical comes with everything needed for seemlessly adding a trunk and a backseat to your bicycle. It is an attachment for your bicycle that deftly shifts your rear wheel back 15 inches and transforms your existing bike into a Sport Utility Bicycle.”

You can pretty much carry what ever you want on the rear of the bike, just as long as it meets the weight limits of the Xtracycle

See those bags you see on both sides, well they expand. Yup! They can hold two grocery bags, a dog, kids, surf board fire wood or what ever tickles your fancy.

That Snap Deck on the back that looks like a skateboard, well guess what, you can use it to carry a passenger, or if you flip it over, use it as a chopping board. Serve drinks from it too if you’d like!

The kit comes with everything you see here minus the Kona Smoke.

For more info, visit Xtracycle’s site HERE