You may have noticed a little ad on the bottom right corner of the site for Sierra Trading Post. Well if you’re interested in having your company, bike shop or site advertised on CBB, let us know!
Don’t worry we’re not going to go all commercial like some other sites. But what we plan on doing with the revenue we generate is to put it back in to the community.
My plan is to collect unwanted bikes from LBS’ neighbors, friends, family and recondition them. Then I plan on taking them to under privaledge communities and raffle them away for free. I also want to take the bicycles down to Tecate, Mexico and give them away to the orphanages that are there.
Back in April, Priscilla and I went down to Tecate with a group from our church to give away clothes food and diapers to the people in these small villages. I saw a need for the people to get around the city in order for them to make a living. That’s when I decided CBB should give back since we’ve been super blessed.

So don’t be shy to ask about advertising on CBB. We’ll give you a pretty competitive rate too!