I had the chance to ride the “Paratrooper” this weekend. I must say it is a nice ride. There are a few things I notice that I would change or modify for personal use. One thing I would get rid of is the pedal straps, I like to have my feet free for quick reaction. Another thing I noticed was the rear brake cable, it comes out a lot and it bothered my ankle, I guess a sip tie could fix it. I went up a pretty steep hill on a paved road, the gears handle well. I was mainly testing the weight and gear shift; I must say it climbed like a feather. I enjoyed the Paratrooper. I wish I had this bike when I was living in the barracks, it would have save me a lot of space. I recommend the paratrooper to anyone specially if you travel in Europe, you can fold it right up and catch the train to recover from a long ride.
Randy, Karl and Eri picture time before a ride. Members of ‘ Rigger Team 6 ”
” Pedal straps go to go!!!
Rear brake cable needs to be tie down.