Black Friday Picnic

RL and I took our girls to a park nearby RL’s house. RL installed the Xtracycle Freeradical on the Ibex Alpine 550, he loaded it with food and a blanket.

Alpine and a Freeradical

He also attached his child trailer making it a super long bike.

I prepped the DiamondBack Transporter with the Banjo Brothers Panniers and attached the Bell Co-pilot.


We headed to the park as we rode the bike lane friendly city of Fullerton.


Once we got to the park, our little girls took advantage of the deserted playground.


Afterwards, they recharged their batteries with delicious homemade PB & J sandwiches, juices and fruit.


We all had a great time, commuting to the park was half the fun for the ‘grown ups’ and the kids.


So, not only bikes make better dads, the also make better friendships.

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