1. Recieved a truck load of BOB Trailers for the BOB Trailer Sale at the BikeTrailerShop.com.
2. Updated my PayPal Shopping Cart.
3. Finished off the listings for the Carry Freedom & Croozer Trailers.
4. Manned a booth at the Bike-to-Work Week kickoff here in Flagstaff.
The BikeTrailerShop is jammed full of BOB trailers for the kickoff of our spring BOB Trailer sale. If things go well, I’ll have some free space again soon.
I had a great time showing off bike cargo trailers, the CELLO, the Wandertec mLite and the Wandertec Cargo Net at the Bike Swap and Bizarre that kicks off our Bike To Work Week here in Flagstaff. Flagstaff Biking does a great job of putting on the event. It is great to see how many people are excited about using their bikes for commuting and transportation these days.