For your enjoyment, here is a very complimentary article in The Flint Journal regarding a fellow bike commuter, Doug Cook, who commutes in Flint, Michigan. Doug rides a 16 mile round trip whatever the weather may be, and this winter has been a tough one.
Doug is one of those rare individuals who really puts his principles into practice, and he really, truly believes in people-powered transportation,” said Crim Fitness Foundation program director Polly Sheppard, the (Safe and Active Flint) project coordinator. “Maybe we can’t all be Doug but he shows us it can be done.”
He has been braving the Michigan snows with three layers of clothing, halogen headlight and flashing green light on the handlebars, red flashers on his bike and helmet and red tube lights on a reflective vest (which I’d never considered before…).
“If someone can’t see me, they shouldn’t be driving,” Cook said, jokingly. “Almost everybody gives me a really wide berth. They want to stay away from this obviously crazy guy, and that’s just the way I like it.”
A kindred spirit has been found in Flint.
Doug’s transportation wish list:
Image by Stuart Bauer | The Flint Journal