One of the frequent commenters here at Commute by Bike and a good friend of mine, Tim Jackson (the MasiGuy), was involved in a wreck during a track race a couple nights ago. He hit the boards at close to 40mph and has plenty of injuries to show for it.
- concussion (he was out for five minutes)
- cracked ribs
- several cracked vertebrae in his neck
- distended eye
- cracked knee/kneecap
- almost severed his right thumb
So far the docs are expecting a full recovery but he’s in a lot of pain… although the morphine button at his side keeps him in decent spirits.
If you’ve ever met Tim Jackson you’ll know there’s not a guy on the planet more passionate about the bicycle. If you’d like to send well wishes or donations, visit this post at the Racer Blue Squirrel’s blog.