Anthony and Nickie Stout live car-free in Longmont, Colorado with their two small children. Among their several bikes is the “Lllama” — a Surly Big Dummy with custom crafted rear seats that they use for camping trips in the Colorado Rocky Mountains Front Range.

Of the Big Dummy, Anthony writes:
it is remarkable how much less strategic this bike makes living car free. My wife and I had gotten rather accustomed to running errands strategically such that we could make the most of the cargo capacity of the kid trailer. This bike however makes that all a moot point. It can carry twice as much weight as the chariot trailer and far more volume. I’ve already toted a couple loads that friends with cars have commented “I’d have a hard time fitting that all in my car!!”.
They’ve recently crafted a raincover for the children.

Read more about the Stout family’s car free Colorado adventures at their blog, A Long Walk to Green