Referencing a commuting woe article from a month ago about how I simply could not figure a safe way to commute my new route to work. Yes. I’ve read all the comments. I would say I have more nerve than most folks when it comes to riding on the side of busy roads and there aren’t any cut through or neighborhoods to utilize.
Finally utilizing the limited bus transportation north of Charlotte, and co workers I figured out a pretty stress free commute.
Incoming during the weekdays:
Step #1 Ride bike 5 miles to downtown Davidson, NC. (Leave house around 8:15)
Step #2 Ride bus 77X to work, cost $2 for express bus and takes roughly 30 minutes
Outgoing during the weekdays:
Step #1 Either ride 8 miles or catch a ride with coworker to bus stop
Step #2 Ride bus 77x to Davidson, NC. Cost $1.75 and takes 45 minuts
Commute by bike. This is the only option during the weekends and thankfully traffic is not nearly as busy on Satuday and Sunday,