On a typical day, my Xtracycle provides assistance in relatively obvious ways: bringing home loads of groceries, hauling extra clothing, books, and food into school for a long study session, or even delivering beer to a friend in return for a favor. Indeed, living with the Xtracycle may be a bit challenging at first, but with time, the Xtracycle may have the opportunity to help you solve unforeseen dilemmas, just as it did for me.
Dilemma #1
Last summer, I purchased a new cyclocross frame in anticipation of the upcoming cyclocross season and assembled it at a local bike shop with the help of my boyfriend. Once the bike was completed, we realized that we had no easy way to bring the bike back to our house, as we had ridden to the shop. Fortunately, one of us had ridden there on the Xtracycle. Problem solved!

Dilemma #2
School’s out for summer! So what does that mean? That means it’s time for a BBQ in the park. And as we all know, any good BBQ in the park is made better by bicycling to the BBQ. However, summer means that the temperatures are rising, so a cooler is necessary to keep the food cold. But how to get a cooler full of goodies to the park? Once again, Xtracycle to the rescue!

So next time you find yourself in a dilemma, consider the Xtracycle and what it can do for you!
Ride on!