As we are about halfway through our perfect commuter bike build, I wanted to stop and think out the rest of the bike build before we continue. The Long Haul Trucker with 26″ tires is completely build, and sitting next to my Christmas tree. I’ve swapped out the painful WTB SST seat that comes with it (my girly parts aren’t too happy on it) and installed cheap platform pedals to take it for a test ride or two.
While test riding I made a decision, which I have hinted at during our previous discussions on shifter types. I’m not sure I want drop handlebars on this bike. This is going to be a light touring, and basic commuter bike. I don’t plan on going mach 5 downhill or riding in the drops on this bike. This leads me to my next question.
Which handlebars would you recommend?
About a month ago EcoVelo posted article about different types of handlebars. It made me think more and more about the daily setup of my bikes. I can’t say in all my years of riding I’ve found that “perfect handlebar.. Even on the mountain bike I fight with myself between the standard straight bar, or the alternative style with a wide sweep back.
Here are some of my criteria : Upright, use of bar end shifters, a couple different hand positions (not just one grip style.)
I believe the moustache bar maybe the answer, but then I look at the Sparrow Bar from Soma and like that as well. Now its your turn, what are your thoughts?