As a bike commuter it has really cut down our family cost on every day things. This morning while reading they have a $$ saved article, and it got me thinking. How much as cyclist do we really save. After all the the money spent on the gear, bikes, and extra food. Do we break even?
My example (Prices guesstimated):
Biking :
Salsa Casseroll – $900
Rear Rack – $45
Panniers/backpack – $100
Helmet – $50-100
Lights – $40-100
Misc clothes per month – $40
Car :
Monthly payment – $250-350
Insurance – $75
Gas per month – $100
Now, we aren’t talking about carbon footprint, extra health, less health expenses and such. In the end, the fact my family can have one car instead of two (family of two adults, two children and two dogs) and get around okay works very well. We live in suburbia, and I have a 4 mile bike commute to work every day