The Popularity of Bicycling is Growing

Every morning I wake up, check email and then quickly go to my Google Reader.   It is loaded up with over 200 feeds and I do my best to jog through them in the morning or over lunch, each day.

One of the common trends for this morning was that many people think that bicycling is becoming more popular.   As I work in a bike shop, you can tell that there is more interest in bikes, even over a year ago.   Numbers are higher and there is hope that either the economy is turning a leaf, or people are learning the benefits of bicycling.

My biggest fear for this year and our economy is the gas pricing going back up.   Yes, temporarily this will benefit the bike industry, but could cripple your regional economy. Long term it would also hurt anything that needs oil to be made or transported (just about everything!)

What are you seeing in your local area? Are more or less people biking, and why do you think that is?

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