Here at the Bike Trailer Blog we love to hear about DIY bike trailer projects, but something we love even more than creation from scratch is creation from recycle. Harry’s wife found an old bike child trailer on its way to the landfill. Unfortunately all the fabric has been damaged by the sun and water, but the frame was still in good shape.

Harry removed any reaming fabric and cut a piece of aluminum sheeting for a new trailer floor. Harry also replaced the stock bike trailer hitch with a Schwinn instep style hitch. Currently Harry is working on some nylon ripstop fabric to sew onto the frame to improve the cargo characteristics of the trailer. He has a bike camping vacation planned for November. By then he hopes to have the trailer ready.
It’s great to see a trailer headed to trailer heaven rescued and brought back to life with a little elbow grease and some spare time. We see many stories of people who create these amazing bike trailers from scratch or from things they found lying around the house. These are really great to see, but I personally love the reuse approach. Keeping the carbon foot print low, and making what is seemingly trash come to life again.